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“Come in…”

I walked inside the house to see that it was looking like if a tornado had been there. The tiny living room was dark,  there were empty boxes of pizza and cans of beer scattered over the floor, along with Harry’s clothes laying all over it. 

“Take a seat, please.” He whispered as he took the cans and the boxes out of the couch.

I sat down and waited for him to come back.

That house was full of memories, I remember the time we bought this couch, we got it at a second hand shop and I had to mend some parts of it, but it ended up looking awesome, it was comfortable and it felt soft to the touch.

Harry showed up holding two cans of soda in one hand, I almost forgot how huge his hands are.

“Here you go.” He said handing me the can.

He sat next to me and we remained silent for a few minutes.

“So…Why are you here?” He asked looking at his can; he hadn’t touched it since he showed up.

“I didn’t want you to spend Christmas on your own…” I wasn’t looking at him either.

“Oh, so you came here because you pity me, well you can go now.” He ranted.

I should’ve imagined he would have his walls up.

“Harry I…”

“Don’t. Just go, I know your little friend is waiting for you outside, I saw his car through the window of the kitchen.”

“No, I won’t go anywhere, this is my house too.” I barked.  He irritated me, as always.

“Well, suit yourself then.” He said as we got up the couch and walked out the room.

I understood why he had his walls up, I understood why he was being bitter towards me; maybe I shouldn’t have come here. Maybe I should’ve stayed home with Louis and Ed. But I wasn’t going to give up so easily.

I walked out the living room and went straight to the bedroom, and there he was, snuggled in the pillow.

“Harry…” I whispered.

“Go, please.” He sobbed against the pillow.

I had never seen him this way. He was so vulnerable and…broken. I walked up to the bed, I still doubted about what to do.

“Why didn’t you fight for me?” I asked.

I felt my heart sink; I knew what kind of answer I was going to have…

“Because you are happy with him, I know he’s going to break your heart, but you seem happier with him than you seemed to be when you were with me…” He confessed holding the pillow tighter against him.

I wasn’t expecting this, I was expecting some kind of selfish answer but this was…It was his broken heart talking for him; he was just as broken as I was, but I still didn’t know what to do. A part of me wanted him back, but another part knew that this wasn’t going to end well.

I sat on the bed next to him, he was crying so hard that I could feel his pain from there. I got closer to him and lay beside him. It broke my heart seeing him like that. He had his cheeks red, and so were his eyes, and he was letting out short breaths full of pain and sorrow. Without even thinking about it, I started caressing his curls, he was a complete emotional mess, but so I was.

He opened his eyes and a tear ran down his face, his eyes were bloodshot so his green iris was even more striking

“Why do you have to torture me this way?” He asked looking at me. “You come here saying that you don’t want me to spend Christmas alone but you have your friend out there waiting for you.”

Windows To The Soul (Laylor/Haylor Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now