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I ran, and ran, and ran letting my clothes fall behind me and get covered by the snow.  I didn’t know where I was going, but I certainly knew where I didn’t want to be.  

I could see my breath in the cold air. I stopped short and fell to the cold ground; I was isolated and completely devastated.  

Louis lied to me. Harry lied to me. I was lying to myself the whole time. I hated myself for acting so nonchalant.

People stared at me as they walked by, but I couldn’t care less. I was destroyed, completely and utterly destroyed.

I stood up and wiped my tears. I let out a deep breath and started thinking- where should I go now? There was no way I was going back with Louis or Harry. They betrayed me; going to Nina’s was definitely the best idea.

I didn’t know if she’d want to see me after all this time, but I’d try.  

I was lost; I had to ask several people before finally finding her house, I wasn’t sure if her parents would let me stay for a few days, but they were always nice to me, I guess it’s all up to fate.

I was also lost inside me; I didn’t know who I was anymore, I had a war of feelings inside my head.

I got up the stairs that led to the porch and rang the door bell. A short woman, with curly dark hair opened the door.

“Taylor? Taylor Swift?” She asked.

She seemed a little bit confused, she was used to see me in a perfect outfit, with perfect make up in my face, and my hair perfectly done, but I was looking like a mess and I used to be like that a year ago.

“Yes, Mrs. Nesbitt. It’s nice to see you.” I said, trying to put a fake smile on my face.

“Come in, Nina will be so happy to see you.” She put her hand on my back leading me in. “She’s in her bedroom.”

I thanked her and went upstairs to Nina’s bedroom. Their house was big and cozy; it reminded me of my childhood days.

I stepped right in front of the door; I took a deep breath and let it out. Just when I was about to knock on the door Nina opened it.

“Taylor?” She widened her eyes.

I put a small smile on my face and nodded.

“You look…You look, uh…Dreadful, Taylor, you look like a mess.” She said.

“Why are you all dressed up?” I asked looking at her outfit.

She was wearing a white coat and black high heels; her dress was a little bit skimpy, it was red and it went down her mid thigh.  I would never wear something like that, but it fitted her. Her hair had beautiful, platinum loose curls falling down her shoulders and she had her make up perfectly done.

“I’m going on a date.” She said as she grabbed her black purse.

“Oh, so I should go then…”

“Nah, it won’t take long, I’m not really interested in that guy.” She laughed. “Stay in my room, and make yourself at home.” She smiled.

I watched her as she went carefully down the stairs, those heels seemed painful, but they were really beautiful so it was worth it.

I came in the bedroom at it was the same since the last time I was there.

There were posters of rock bands that I never heard of all over the walls. I walked up to the desk and saw that the desk had still the things we wrote using permanent maker on it, there were lyrics and silly stuff. I touched the writings with my fingertips and the memories hit me like a wrecking ball.

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