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Im not as tough as I look, I hate to admit. And so, at the end of the day, I found myself literally dizzy with hunger, and not hardly able to walk straight. My head lolled, resting on my desk, and my fangs pierced into my tongue. 

I couldnt even stand, when the bell rang. All i could do, was take my phone, and dial Jasper's number.

"Jinx? I knew you would call." I had never been so happy to hear his voice. 

"Jasper?" I managed to say. "Im in biology." And then, like any self respecting vampire, I passed out. 

All I can see is fog. All around. Everywhere. And something tells me that I should just go ahead and be what Jasper is, that I should just give in to the hunger. Who would it hurt? No one would die, not permanently. Jasper did it.

Suddenly, the fog clears, and I find myself standing in a huge field, full of grass, at night. Stars twinkle above, and hoofbeats sound in the distance. Wait. Hoofbeats? Who rides horses in fields at night anymore? I step aside, hoping to catch a glimpse of the rider's face... But the horse has no rider. It stops right in front of me, and looks at me impatiently. Am I supposed to ride this thing?! He paws the ground, insisting that I climb on.

So I go to do so. Sadly, Im still wearing my school clothes, and the corset and long skirt sure arent helping me much. Eventually, after several agonizing tries, I manage to swing my leg over. Its not at all easy. I wouldnt reccomend it to you.

The horse takes off, across the field, and I begin to fear for my life. I dont ride horses. I dont LIKE horses. I am SCARED TO DEATH of horses. Oh wait. Im already dead. 

I arrive at a castle. My first thought? What the hell is going on? My second? Oh. A castle. Cool.

The horse stops, and I hurridly get off, falling over my skirt in the process. I tumble head over heels across the wet grass, and land, quite uncerimoniously, at the feet of a young man, in shakespearian looking attire. Except black. I could kind of get used to this. Maybe.

"Young lady, You seem to have fallen off your horse." The kind, sort of smirking gentleman points out. I sit up, and brush off, glaring at him.

"Shut up Jasper, I know I fell off my horse." Then I do a double take. Holy shit, It IS Jasper! "Wait, Jasper?!" I exclaim, shocked.

"And... You are...?" He replies. "I dont believe we've met."

"We havent..." I reply. "Not in this world. Or life. Whichever. Im Jinx." He looks away, sad.

"Ah. Well thats a crying shame. You seem like an... Interesting girl." I raise an eyebrow.

"Riiiiiiight. Interesting. Mmhm. Okay vampy, Im the interesting one."

His head snaps back to look at me. "Who told you, mortal?" He growls. Yep, definitely Jasper.

"No one!" I reply snarkily. "I know more about you than you do." Renaissance Jasper really pisses me off. 

"Witchcraft!" He cries. "I'll have you burned, Wench!" I roll my eyes.

"Oh, so you drink blood, but spells and sorcery arent okay? And no, not witchcraft. Im dreaming. Any idea how to get back home?" I reply.

"Sorry M'am, but I cant help you. And besides, I have more important matters to-" Theres a crash inside the castle. He walks inside and slams the door,leaving me out in the rain alone. Rude. Even normal Jasper wouldnt do that.

Shortly after, I hear loud voices. And yes, I sit outside eavesdropping, I have nothing better to do.

"No, dont! Please! Im not-" I hear a lady's voice say. I cant hear Jasper's response, but I hear a scream, and Jasper crying "No!"

Something has happened. And it must be something horrible. Jasper walks outside with blood on his hands, and sinks down in the grass at my feet.

"He killed her. Annabel. Shes gone, and I have nothing to live for. Why? Why wasnt I more careful? Why did I let this happen?" He laments..

My life has turned into a freaking soap opera. Its official.

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