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My eyes snapped open, into a dimly lit room, with no sun coming in the windows. I sat up.

"You're awake." I heard Jasper say, and my mind formed a picture, as if I was staring straight at him, instead of at the wall. I turned my head to the side, and glowered at him.

"Alright, Dakota, what are you trying to pull here?" I growled. His real name was Dakota, and he absolutely loathed it. Most of the time I called him Jasper, like he wanted, but when I got really pissed, like maybe when he's bitten me and then i've been unconcious for who knows how long,  I tend to call him Dakota.

"You died, Jeanie." He replied. I gave him a death glare.

"Okay, first, NO ONE calls me Jeanie. NO ONE. Or they, will die." I swung my legs around, so was sitting facing him. We were in a classroom, with all the shades closed. Jasper's eyes were vivid blue. Suddenly, something hit me. My eyes opened wide, and I ran my tongue over my top row of teeth. No... This couldnt be happening. "Jasper, please tell me these arent real." I begged, and he grinned again.

"Sorry honey, but they're as real as they get. You are one of us now." I jumped up, and ran over to the mirror next to the teacher's desk, and quickly looked to be sure I still had a reflection. I did. But I looked different. My skin was even paler than before, almost even a bluish-purple, and my eyes seemed so have grown wider and more vivid, a stunning shade of violet. And there were bite marks on my throat. I laughed nervously, and stared in the mirror at my eyes. I couldnt look away!

"... If Im a vampire shouldnt I not... Have a reflection?" I asked. Jasper walked over and pulled me away from the mirror, turning me to face him.

"No, thats a myth... But we dont appear on film... And no one can record our voices... And the wooden stake thing isnt true either... Nor the holy water crap... Or the sign of the cross... Or garlic..." He trailed off. "Basically, to sum it all up, you are now immortal, invicible, and if I do say so myself, unbelievably stunning."

I growled at him. Like a wolf or a dog, and pushed him away.

Then I threw the door open, and stormed out.

"Sunlight doesnt do anything either, but we do sunburn easier!" He yelled after me.

"FUCK OFF!" I screamed back.

"You'll come crawling back when you've gotta drink someone's blood!" He yelled.

I gave him the finger.

I havent told you much about me, so let me take a break to do just that. My real name is Jeanie Katherine Long...

But I prefer my nickname, Jinx. To be completely honest, im not as goth as I seem. AT ALL.

I dress like an honest to goodness gothic princess, which may contribute to all the shit with Jasper, but in truth, I really want nothing to do with the goth world, and I would much rather call myself Emo.

Not scene, Emo.

Currently, Im sixteen. Now apparently for eternity. Actually I've been sixteen for close to three years now. That would usually suck, but being a vamp comes with plenty of advantages. Trust me.

Also, Im not bluffing when I say I'll kill. I was back at the time when this particular part of the story took place, but now, Im not.

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