Chapter. 3

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Cayde p.o.v

I dropped my little brother off at his elementry school. "Bye kiddo," I said and scooped him up into a tight hug. "Bye Cwayde!" He said with his kid voice and turned away to where his teacher was standing.

I walked out of the building and checked my watch to see that I had already missed the first ten minutes of my first period, and that I had to rush to get to school in time for the rest of my frist class. As i ran up the steps of the school i quikly jogged to my locker and made my way towards Mr. Killhorse's class.

I stormed into class only to find a fuming teacher glaring at me. "Cayde! You've been late to class for the past weeks! What do you have to say for yourself." He screamed. I always found it funny that he has a vein popping out of his neck whenever he gets mad, which what seems to be whenever I arrive in class.

"This has been going on for far too long! Go to the principles office immediatly!" I rolled my eyes with annoyance and darted back to the door not seeing where I was going. I swang the door open and bumped into someone on my way out but didnt take the time to look back.

When I finally arrived at the principles office I didn't even knock I just barged straight in and was met by Miss. Jefferson's sarcastic voice.

"Sure Cayde. Come in, thanks for knocking."

I smirked at her comment, and replied, "After all these weeks you would've thought I learned."

She nodded and asked me what had happened this time.

So I explained why I was late, about how I had to drop off my little brother because my mom had gotten a raise and she had to start earlier than usual, which I thought was utter bullshit.

She said, "I understand and don't worry about it, you can always come hang out with your favourite principal." In a joking matter. I chuckled and waited for the bell to signal the end of class.

When it finally did I bid my goodbye's and left the room to get to my biology class.

I walked directly into class and took my seat in the back, plugged my earphones in and shut the world out.

I saw Lucy walking into class with a sway of her hips, knowing she would talk to me, I removed my earphones and set them down on the desk. She slid into the seat next to me and whispered in my ear, "I had fun saturday night.." She said seductivly.

As she walked to her seat I winked at her and she giggled, earning the attention of some people around her.

Just before the bell rang someone steps into class. I glanced up to find a hooded figure at the front of class. Ignoring it I looked down at the paper that Mrs. York had placed on our desk.

I heard the chair that was next to me pull out and the hooded figured slumped down into it.

I was curious as to who it was but didn't ask anything. Near the end of class Mrs. York announced she had to go print some sheets of homework and left.

"Yo freak!" I heard Lucy yell. I looked over at the person next to me who's hood was now off, holding her face in her hands, I don't know what came over me, but I abruptly stood up knocking my chair over and yelled, "Lucy, can you shutup. Nobody gives a crap!"

Which then was followed by her nagging voice, "Oh please Cayde, why do you care?" But turned around before Mrs. York came back in.

I picked my chair up from the ground and sat back down. "Just because I did that doesn't mean we're friends." I said codly to the girl next to me.

She simply nodded. I looked back at the girl seated next to me and thought to myself 'she's gorgeous', but dismissed the thought as soon as it came. I didn't notice that I had been staring until she looked up and smirked at me.

I looked away quickly knowing my cheeks were tinted pink.

The bell rang to show class was over. I grabbed my work sheets Mrs.York had given us and set them on her desk.

I left the classroom and made my way to the cafeteria to meet up with Seth. I saw him with some other people that attempt to sit with us everyday at lunch. As I sat down those, 'other people' shot up and left.

"Have you seen the new girl?" Seth questioned. "What new girl?" I asked bluntly, "I think she's in one of your classes'," Seth replied looking over my shoulder "There she is." He said nodding his head towards her.

I turned to see her. The girl that had caught me staring. The one with the long dark brown hair and blue eyes. She was sitting reading a book, minding her own business. I quickly turned to meet Seth still staring at her, I smacked his forearm to get the attention off her.

"Oh god.. Her comes Miss Princess." Seth said annoyed. I glanced up to see Lucy walking over to us.

Even though the bench I was sitting on had a bunch of room next to me, she chooses to take a seat on my lap instead.

"Hi baby!" She said with her pinchy-sounding voice, "Seth." She said looking over at him, with a monotone voice. He just rolled his eyes."Well I have practice tonight, so, wanna come watch?" She asked winking.

"I'm busy tonight." I said not interested. "Why are you always busy!? Can't you just cancel the plans or something?" She said angry. "No can do, you can just get someone else to watch you I guess."

She pushed herself off me and stood up. I looked up at her while she was staring down. "We are over.", "We were never actually together.." I said as I heard Seth chuckle, and a giggle?

I turned to see the girl slightly laughing. "What are you laughing at?" Lucy shot to the girl. The girl turned her little smile into a straight line. "Uhm.. Nothing." She said quietly, looking elsewhere not wanting to make eye contact with any of us.

"Well I'll see you saturday, alright Cayde? Bye" Lucy said leaning down to kiss my cheek.

I looked to Seth to find him shaking his head, "Why are you even doing this with Lucy? Why not get into a committed relationship, other than sleeping around with her. You could do so much better Cayde." He said. He has said this to me before but I just shrug it off, like I always do.

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