Chapter 4

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Faith's p.o.v

After a somewhat uneventful lunch, I made my way to my third class of the day, P.E. I didn't have my gym stuff yet, so I sat on the bleachers while the other students played volleyball. I was finishing up homework when I heard the teacher yell at a student,

"Bakers! Why aren't you participating?" I turned to the student that our teacher was yelling at, and was suprised to see Cayde sitting there in all of his glory. 

He looked over to where I was sitting and we accidentally made eye contact, but as soon as it happened I looked away trying to hide the blush on my cheeks.

"Yeah Bakers! Why you being a loner!" Some person yells from the other side of the gym. I look over and see 2 guys  who have stopped their volleyball game, but one of them punches the other in the shoulder and says something I don't understand.

One of the guys turns and looks up into the bleachers until his eyes meet mine. He smirks and gives me a quick wink before our gym teacher yells to get changed.


I made my way out of the gym and towards my locker to get my english book, which I am happy to have this semester. 

Why won't my stupid lock open? 

I keep attempting to open my lock, until I feel a hand place itself over mine and my body freezes. The person behind me yanks the lock and it miraculously opens. I turn slightly and see the same smirk from gym class. I smile timidly and look down while I mumble a thank you.

"No problem.." He says and trails his hand up my arm.

I quickly grab my english book, slam my locker shut, and start to walk over to my english class.

The same guy jogs up to my side and falls into step with me.

"The name is Kyle Reid, and you must be the infamous Faith Bale they talk about." Kyle says, a cheeky grin plastered on his face. I look up to him wide eyed, 

"How do you know my name?" I ask him trying not to sound suspicious. 

"Well, the whole school is talking about a certain dark hair, blue eyed beauty and when I saw you, I knew it couldn't have been anyone else." He replies giving me one of his famous winks.

I couldn't deny the fact that this boy was hot, with his deep ocean coloured blue eyes, his brown hair and that sun kissed tan that makes me seem as pale as a ghost.

"Oh..." was all I was able to mutter out once I saw his smirk appear again. 

Oh god, I think he just caught me checking him out.

We walk in silence side by side until I see my classroom ahead. 

"Well, thank you for walking me to my class. You better be off before the bell rings." I say while looking up into his blue orbs which seem to be watching me intently. He looks into the class and his smirk grows even wider, if that's possible. 

"Would you look at that. Seems like we don't only have P.E together." He puts his large hand in the small of my back and we enter the classroom together.

My cheeks start flaming up again when I realize that most people in class are staring at us. The girls were glaring at me with pure hatred while the guys were either shaking their heads or staring at me with a look of jelousy in their eyes.

"Mr. Reid! So nice of you to escort Miss. Bale to class!" A middle aged woman exclaims, taking her glasses off her nose and placing them on the top of her head.

"Hello, and welcome to my english class. I am Miss. Dawson and I will be your english teacher this semester." She smiles warmly at me and I already know that I'm going to love having Miss. Dawson as my english teacher.

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