Chapter. 5

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"It's totally okay if you say no, I don't want to rush you in anything, I was just wondering you know.." He states nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"Why not?" I smile wide.

He looks up at me with a big smile and pulls me into a big embrace.

"I'll see you tomorrow Kyle." I smile shyly at him after pulling out of the hug.

"Alright, I'll pick you up Friday night, at 7:00? Is that okay?" 

"Yeah that's fine." I smile and turn to walk into my house.

"Goodnight Kyle." I say lastly before closing the door.

I sigh loudly as I lean against the door. I even make a weird squeal noise.

"Now what's going on here?" My aunt says coming down the stairs, smirking.

"Kyle just asked me out!"

I screech and do mini jumps around the living room while twirling slightly.

"Oh really? Never thought you'd get a boyfriend.." My aunt jokes.

"Haha. Very funny."

"I'm just joking hunny." She says pinching my cheecks.

I pull away from the cheek pinching and laugh slightly at my aunt. She's the only actually fun person in my family really. She understand how you feel, and she's okay with me going on a date, where as, my parents would probably be asking about a dozen questions about him. Not that there's anything wrong with it. 

"Do you have anything to wear?"

"Oh my god! I don't know! Shit, shit, shit!" I say skipping a step as I scramble upstairs.

"Watch your mouth young lady!" My aunt says before I reach the top of the stairs and rush into my bedroom.

I fumble around in my closet for a dress, or something like that. Until I finally pull out one of my favourite dresses.

It's a navy blue, strapless dress, that sits a good amount above the knee. (Not too much, just enough.)

I slip off my hoodie and jeans and try on the dress.

Oh thank God it fits! And it doesn't look horrible!

"Did you find anything after making all that noise?" My aunt says from the other side of the door.

"Yeah! I did." I smile to myself.

"Can I see it?" She asks.

"Okay.." I say, not sure if I should or not. She might think it's too short? Or maybe strapless is too, I don't know, 'showy' for just a date.

I open the door slowly, and take a step back slightly for her too see it better.

"Oh it's lovely!" She says clapping her hands as she says so.

"Really? You don't think it's too short, or maybe to showy for a first date?" I ask unsure of it now.

"Oh no hunny, if your going on a date, you need his attentiont to stay on you." She winks exagerattedly at me.

I giggle at her until realising one thing. "What shoes do I wear?"

* * *

"How about these?" I say putting on grey pumps.

"Oh good God no. Put those back." My aunt says making a gagging noise slightly. I laugh for about the twentyth time this fine afternoon in a mall at 5:00pm.

"Why don't we just get those plain black ones?" I ask pointing over to some nice, simple black heels.

"You know, those would look real cute with your dress." She says nodding.

"Do you even know how to walk in heels?" She curiously asks, frowning.

I shuffle a little nervously on my feet. "No."

She scolds me before going to get my size of shoe for the heels.

* * *

"Okay, right foot, now left, right, heal to toe. No. Your doing it wrong." We just got home, and my aunt is attempting to teach me how to walk in these stupid things, and I'm dying. My feet are killing me.

"Can't I just wear flats?" I whine before slumping onto the couch.

"No, of course not, you'll need to know eventually on how to walk in these damned shoes Faith."

I scold her under my breath and get back up to get myself a book.

"What are you doing?"

"Remember when I used to walk in my mom's high heels at christmas? Well, she'd always tell me to put a book on my head, so I will walk perfectly and have a straight back." I explain placing the book onto my head before walking slowly towards the other end of the room.

"Oh, I do remember that. And your older cousin would always knock it off your head.." She laughs remembering the old times with my family.

"Oh what lovely cousins I have." I smile before turning back around to walk againw ith book still on my head.

"So when is your date?" She states.


"Well hopefully he'll be a wonderful gentleman too you Faith."

I sigh and remove the book from my head. "I hope so too..." I whisper more to myself.

* * *

sorry for slow updates everyone ): hope you guys are okay with this chapter(:

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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