Rex Teller born 4/5/3482 at All Saints Hospital in Katsamini, Joni county, Venus. The mother of which was one Manilisa Kalordette. The fact that she stayed put long enough to give birth was a miracle given her track record. The father, Gilliam Teller was a sorry son of a bitch. Worthless in the very definition of the word. He killed his brother over a hand at poker that had lost him 20 dollars. Rex's older sister Jessica "JJ" Johanson from a different father, one Billy Johanson which there mother currently lived off of, was a genetically enhanced super human born in a lab. One of the very first 'Baby's in a Bottle.' Being the first she had some defect so she was born blind, but with a bit of surgery she was as normal as any human. Other than the fact that her eyes glow in the dark. She is the smartest person in her class at the academy and is training to become a GAURD captain . His best friend Caesar was from a race known as the Jilkon. A buff, four armed light green skinned, but otherwise human in appearance, young man he had known since kindergarten. His specialty was computers, a dying profession in the age of superficial AI capable of sentience. And his other best friend, a girl just a few week older than he, who he first thought was so fragile but know knew could bite the head off a bull, Nessa. She was dark and secluded, kept to herself a lot. She had few friends and considered Rex one of her closest. There were few people she talked to other than him and Caesar. Everyone should have an idol and in our story Connell is Rex's idol. He's a lady killer, he's handsome without fault, works two hours a day and gets payed boat loads to sit on his ass and watch TV while he waits for a call and he has the thing Rex wants most of all; his step dads respect. Billy is Rex's step dad. He never liked Rex, mostly because he didn't 'come outta the box perfect' like he loved to say. He made his money just about every illegal way there was to make a dollar. The only person that didn't fear him in this part of the galaxy was a man named Rey 'lat Oosher and that's because Oosher was his only criminal competition. Rex just wanted to please Billy. Ever since he had taken Rex and his mother in after Billy learned of his daughters existence, he had worked his way through Billy's ranks to become a junior officer, the highest rank a person under 18 can get to in Billy's organization, and all the time finding ways to make Billy's raids and dealings go more efficiently and become more profitable. But Rex never really felt like that's what he was meant for. He knew that, just like his sister, he had extraordinary potential.
Age 17: April 4th 3,500 11:57 pm AI factory and distribution unit 3456kli
"Caesar what's taking you so long?" Asked Rex in a hurry.
"Fuck you man, you know how hard is to decode and eighteen inch lock combo?" He yelled as Rex shrugged and waved his hand in dismissal. "Yeah. What? Didn't think so." Yelled Caesar. "I don't know why we do such hard jobs when we're not even old enough to get our own access codes to fly a ship worth its weight."
"Because if we get caught they can't punish us by death like they would our parents,"said Nessa, the know-it-all.
"Got it Little Miss Kill-Joy", said Rex in a sarcastic tone, snickering ever harder as Nessa punched him in the shoulder with her agile arms.
"I might be a kill joy but I've saved you twice and Caes too many times to count just 'cause he can't get it through his thick skull that he isn't immortal." Yelled Nessa with playful anger in her voice.
"Got it!" Career said through his cigarette as the doors extremely complex lock system slammed open and begun the opening sequence.
Just as the door was sliding open they heard the security droids powering up. They hid behind the door as the big, loud, and powerful droids pulled their long energy weapons around to face the dim night light. Pre-renewal period droids, Rex thought to himself, They have some JoHughton's but almost no armor in comparison to-, out of the four droids standing there, one fell with a small explosion and a massive waft of dead smelling air came flooding towards the children.
Science-FictionBad ass newly turned adult Rex Teller is thrown into a disastrous situation when the supercarrier he calls home is destroyed amidst an epidemic that's sweeping the galaxy; and killing every soul it infects. As people scramble to find the safest plac...