Stick Together|Chapter Six

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And I just listened to Year Of The Lover by Lloyd. OMG! I missed that song.


(Months Later)

Kierra POV.

Usually Daniel stops selling at 3. But now he's starting to work til 6. I don't like him 'working' like this, It's very dangerous. (Nawwdip! :D) But I was at the park with Makayla. She was playing on the playground with her little friend Gia. Gia's mom is my best friend, Elaina. Elaina was living the same exact life as mine. She was Latino. And Elaina's baby dad was Marquise. They got together then broke up once she told him she was pregnant. But he took care of the baby once she was born & they got back together. He thought he was slick.

But for me, It was kinda complicated. I got pregnant young, At the age of 20. I'm still young but I have to take care of Makayla. I'm actually happy that I had her young because I was going down the wrong road because of the absence of my father. I was drinking, Clubbing, Smoking and everything. That may sound like 'YOLO' which it isn't.

(To me, YOLO is for the people that fight for America❤)

Then I hooked up with Daniel, I was going to do him like a ONS but I, of course, got pregnant. He was very generous & sweet. He helped me take care of her and everything . Now we're together. You may ask where's my father?, Well he went off and married this rich woman even though he was rich himself. Before he left, He'd shower me with gifts as a little girl. Then he left when I was 15. He ignored me & mom until I was 22. Now, He's saying 'sorry' by sending me & mom money. I take the money and send him notes. He writes back. I don't want my daughter end up with out a father for an amount of time like I did, or worse, forever.

Alecie POV.

"Ohhhh Chris!" I said in bed eating ice cream. "Yes Babyyyy?" He said waking in with pickles. "OOOO GIMME GIMME!" I said reaching for them. "Lex, You and these cravings have got to stop." He said handing me a pickle. I dipped my pickle on the ice cream. "Mmm." Chris scrunched up his face. "Ewwww." He said making a face. "2 cold things together..." He said slipping in bed. Yupperzzz. You guessed it! I'm pregnant. (Lol Sorry. I know you didn't want kids but you know...) It's a girl too! Chris was happy, since she was going to be to be a daddy's girl. I rubbed my round belly and bit down on the pickle looking at Love & Hip Hop. Chris gagged and turned the other way. "It's not my fault booboo." I said slurping up my melted ice cream.

---Next Day---

I woke up pains in my stomach. "Oweeee!" I said holding my stomach. Chris was asleep but suddenly woke up once he heard my screaming. "What's the matter?" "Pains. Ohhh PAINS!" I said shutting my eyes. "I'll go get your Pain Relief." He said getting out of bed slowly. "Baaaaabe!" I said. "Yeah?" "I love you." I said smiling. He grinned. "I love you too." He said walking into our bathroom. I laid back down and got my water bottle off the nightstand. Chris walked out. "You need anything else before I leave?" He said. I rolled my eyes knowing that he was about to go to work. "Yeah. Order me some Chinese at 2 and send it to our address." "That's all?" "Yes please." "Alecie. Don't be on your feet!" He said starting the shower as I took the pills. I looked down at my belly. "Little Miss. Joy Marie Brown, Pray for your daddy & me." I said sighing.

Kai POV.

"Baaaaaaaaaaaaabe! Wake up!" I said hopping on Dominic. "OWW! My balls!" He said shooting up. "Me sowwy baby :(." I said rubbing them. He laughed and pulled my hands away. "I was just playing." I groaned. "I take that back then." I said getting off him. "Yeah go make my breakfast." He said motioning me. I shoved his head. "Shutup block head." I said laughing. "I'm not going to 'work' today." He said. "Yay. We're less in danger." I said clapping. "Kai, Im not going to get caught by the popo or gangs." I climbed back on him and pinned his arms down. "You say that but you don't know what's going to happen in the future little boy. I don't want your so-called friends around my kids!" I said. He sighed loudly. "Aight. Now please go make me breakfast. Please! I'm hungry." He said. "Fine." "Oh and babe we're going house-hunting today so you better hurry." He said. "Don't rush me." I said. Then he slapped my butt. "Don't talk to me like that lil girl." He said smiling. "Mommy!" Kailee ran in and was so fast she knocked me over. Dominic started dying of laughter. "Ahh! Dang it Kailee." I said. Dominic slapped the mattress, still laughing. "Keep laughing, See if I don't CUT something of yours OFF." I said. He instantly shut up. I smiled. "I love it when I get my way. Now come help mommy cook." I said to Kailee.

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