Ross imagine- Meghan

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This is for Meghan. By the way I don't own I Think About You, Disney does and just pretend that Ross wrote the song by himself. Hope you like it.

Meghan pov

I was knocking on the door of my best friend Ross's house. About two seconds later Ross opened the door. I walked in and then he pulled me into a hug. I could stay like this forever. I admit I like Ross. I mean how can you not like him. With his perfect blonde hair, a smile that lights up the room and kind eyes that makes you melt. I hadn't realised that I was still hugging Ross and I quickly let go. 'Hey I gotta go talk to Rydel really quickly,' I said to him. 'Okay I'll be in the basement playing video games,' he replied.

I walked up to Rydel's room and knocked. 'Come in,’ I hear her say. I walked into her room and sat on a chair. 'Hey, can I tell you something?' I asked her. 'Sure, what is it?' she asked as she turned to look at me. 'Well there is this guy I like but there is no chance he would ever like me.' ‘Let me guess, you like Ross.' 'Yeah how did you know?' I asked. 'Well for starters, you are my best friend and you stare at him a lot,' she said. ‘Who else knows I like Ross?' I asked nervous for the response. 'Riker does,' she replied laughing at the expression I had. 'How does Riker know?' 'He figured it out the same way as me.' 'What should I do?' 'I think you should tell Ross how you feel.' 'What if he doesn't feel the same way?' 'Then you guys stay best friends.' ‘Okay I'll tell him later.' I walked down to the basement and saw Ross playing video games.

While Meghan was talking with Rydel

Ross pov

I've liked my best friend Meghan for a while now and I don't knew what to do. I ended up deciding to go talk to Riker because he can help me and tell me what to do. 'Hey Riker can I talk to you for a second?' I asked. 'Sure, what's up?' 'I like Meghan and I don't know what to do.' 'I think you should ask her out,' he replied. 'What if she doesn't feel the same way?' 'She does trust me.' 'Okay I'll ask her out today.' I know the perfect way to ask her out. I've been writing a song and I finished it last night. It’s called I Think About You. I'll take her to the park and then serenade her.

Meghan pov

After Ross was done playing video games, he asked me if I wanted to go to the park with him. I of course straight away said yes. When we arrived at the park we sat on a bench. Ross told me to close my eyes, so I did and after a couple of minutes I heard singing and opened my eyes and saw Ross singing to me. I never thought this would happen. After he had finished singing, he came to me and took my hands and when on one knee and said, 'Meghan, you are all I think about every day. Will you go out with me?' 'I was shocked but somehow I managed to say yes.

After that we went back to Ross's house and I told Rydel that Ross had asked me out. She helped my get ready for my date with Ross which was in a couple of hours’ time. He was taking me out to a fancy restaurant.

After the date

That was the best date ever. Ross is the sweetest. I know I have now found my Prince Charming.

Hope you enjoyed it especially Meghan. I am very sorry it was late. Please tell me what you think about it. If you want an imagine just tell me your name, which R5 member you want to be with and what your status with them is. Remember to comment and vote.

~Here comes Forever~

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