Quotes of the month

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"Life is like a camera,

Focus on what's important,

Capture the good times,

Develop from the negatives,

And if things don't work out,

Take another shot."


As what most people say, life is too short --I know, you heard that line for almost a hundredth time-- but do we believe it? No. When we hear that line, we just act

Like "Whatever, I'm still young and all." We should stop acting like that, because before we know it, we're already lying on our death bed. Hyperbole much? Maybe,

Now, you think, yes. But before anything else happens, before you regret living your life not to the fullest, try to focus on the good things, the important things in

Your life just like your friends, your love ones, and your family. Someone is always there that cares for you. Capture the good times and, if you can, make it longer

Because someday, you'll need some happy memories to keep you going. And if things just don't work out, take another chance; don't be afraid to grab any

Chance, take risks because 'Life isn’t about crawling under a rock and watching the world go by, desperately hoping it won’t touch us.  Life is about taking

Chances. (--Everything and the Moon, Julia Quinn)

PiiXIE Dust Magazine: Issue 3Where stories live. Discover now