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I think I've talked about this in clouds about how my school life goes

Especially gym ok so I walked down the stairs to go to the girls locker room and this girl (I won't say her name but she was in my middle school) she was talking to her friend and she was standing against the door.

So I said "excuse me" and I waited until she moved so I could go in and she just gave me the most meanest look I've ever seen in my life lol

So once I got dressed and everything I walked out but I heard that girl still talking once I walked out and I didn't know she was still there until I walked out

So I said "I'm really sorry" and she was like "tsk ok" and gave me a mean look again like wtf

She acted like I was being rude to her or something

So then after gym was over I was about to go to the door until she ran past me and then slammed the door in my face, knowing I'd go in there. I opened it and she said "I'm really sorry"

😒 who does that lol that's childish to me personally

I was never rude to her but she was to me so yeah idk what her problem was

This was my first time ever doing a rant lol

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