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Tagged by svxpai ⭐ ty ^^

Tagged by svxpai ⭐ ty ^^

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Dear ex ⭐ fuck you

Dear self ⭐ ik I hate myself sometimes but always be happy and never give up

Dear dad ⭐ ....

Dear mom ⭐ I love you

Dear crush ⭐ please like me one day..just one day

Dear school ⭐ I only like you because of friends and freedom from being bored lol

Dear siblings ⭐ love you sis I want you to be strong one day and to have a fun life while growing up

Dear past me ⭐ thank god I changed

Dear future me ⭐ hope your life turns out awesome af

Dear guy best friend ⭐ only have two but I'm glad were both friends

Dear girl best friend ⭐ I have a lot but thank you for all your support and help I'm glad were friends

Dear future child ⭐ (probably will never happen but) I want you to be a weird/awesome/strong child and I'll be the best mom there is lol

Dear person I hate ⭐ fuck you, you, and you lmao

Dear person I love ⭐ pls fucking love me I swear to gawd I've never felt this way before I can't think or love anyone else but you and its killing me that I can't have you..but I really hope you'll be happy for the rest of your life

Dear ex best friend ⭐ sorry I left you I had my reasons and I hope you've changed lol

Dear celebrity crush ⭐ fak I love you

Dear future husband ⭐ I'll always love you no matter what and I'll never betray you I'll always be here until the day I die

Dear boyfriend ⭐ (I'm single as a Pringle but) I hope you treat me well just as I will you and I hope that you'll never lie or betray me

Dear people that hate me ⭐ I honestly don't care at all so bye

Thank you for the tag cx it was fun and kept me from being bored

omanko ✿Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora