i officially survived.

24 5 3

I am home from hell now lol. And I told you guys that I'd tell you how my first day went. Honestly it was alright tbh I kinda liked it then towards the end I wanted to kill someone.

So first I walked in and saw my 2 friends from middle school who'd I'd always talk to in the morning and then I had to get my schedule since they had to fix it

So then oMG last year there was the gay guy in my class. I loved him he was amazing and he was someone who I could gare my weirdness with and he was basically a Shane Dawson person tbh

And he hugged me and we creeped people out lol

So then when class started I actually got art again and I'm happy because I like the teacher he's so laid back and just really nice and omg he told us all the new stuff we'd be doing and one of them has to do with Aesthetic. O m g

That is truly art lol

And then I went to English and honestly the guy teacher acted like he was on drugs. I'm sorry but he was too happy. Lol and then it was so freaking awkward
because we had to describe a picture to someone so they can draw it but that can't look at the picture

It was so dumb but I got so shy AF GOD. My partner was this boy and idk why I just can't physically talk to them unless I know them or something but it was awkward I kept saying um um ummmmmmmmmm


And then at lunch I saw more friends and then this random dude asked me where are the napkins and i told him so then he came back with a thousand napkins xD

My friend was like "oh he's definitely new."

Cause were 10th graders so idek

And then she didn't want to eat a sandwich and she was like

"TAKE THE SANDWICH EAT ITTT" she kept shoving it in his face

I just sat there dying his face was amazing. He looked so terrified.

Then we randomly became friends lol 😂 idk

I'm too lazy to explain the bad part but peace.

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