Chapter Two

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Author's Note: So I updated, yay! This is for @shadewolfe without who I wouldn't even had updated. But I'm really glad she reviewed because it made me interested again in continuing this idea. So I give my thanks to her. Hope you enjoy the second part of Captive and leave what you thought in a review at the bottom. Thanks, Woolley119

Cold - Pain.... The Darkness was too much for him he wanted out to escape it's confinements.

Lonely he felt he was all alone. No one would rescue him because no one would think about him.

Although, he could hear sounds surrounding him. Foreign sounds - he was used to the dead silence of Hueco Mundo.

Then their were shouts he was used to be shouting at by Aizen and the Espada. Painful memories were equipped to them he cowered and formed into a small ball a defense mechanism he had developed shortly after his long stay in the hollow-filled nightmare.

He was lying against cold cement he could feel the solid ground, yet he opened his eyes to see an unfamiliar area.

There was light instead of constant darkness. He wondered if he was finally dead and Grimmjow had killed him instead of saving his life. He still wondered why Grimmjow would save his life.... He didn't want to go on living - Aizen had stripped all his will away.

Arms were wrapped around him the next second and that was unfamiliar too. He couldn't remember the last time he was comforted like this - he couldn't remember the warmness of another's touch.

He didn't know it but unbeknownst to him tears had started leaking down his eyes and sorrow pained shouts escaped from his raw lips. His own voice unfamiliar had became unfamiliar.

The wetness of tears foreign to him as he hadn't cried in the last two years - showing how he felt was considered a weakness that he couldn't afford to show.

He didn't feel his body being lifted and carried. The raw emotions he was feeling made him retreat into his mind and wanting to never wake up.

He could feel a gentle hand brushing through his hair. He leaned into the touch fearing this act of kindness would cease to be. He wasn't used to kindness.

He was only used to fear for when his hope of escaping dimmed the hope was replaced with doubt. He didn't want to open his eyes - however by leaning into the touch he signaled to the others that were in the room that he was awake.

"Ichigo you're awake. Ichigo open your eyes. Your safe. " who was this comforting voice, he thought.

He took a chance opening his eyes the little spark of hope that died reignited when the first thing he saw had him bursting in tears and wrapping his weakened and frail arms around his father.

He had no idea where he was but seeing his father after being held captive for so long made him feel safe and secure.

He needed that right now.

"It's alright now, son. You're safe. You're safe. " he could hear his gentle cooing sounds - as he rubbed his back in a calming manner.

He could honestly say that this was the first time he felt so safe and loved. He couldn't remember the last time he had been loved.

The word almost foreign to him now. "God I can't imagine what you went through. I never stopped looking for you. I never stopped believing you would return. " he could hear his father - Isshin Kurosaki - mumble.

This was just all too much for him to handle for he hadn't been with anyone for over two years - he had been by himself caged and starved, beat on and experimented on - his body felt numb and Ichigo just closed his eyes receding back into the darkness.

It was the only thing he knew.


It had been a shocking surprise when she had happened upon the boy's arrival back to the Soul Society.

However - leaving no time to react she instantly flash stepped to his side. She felt for his pulse placing her fingers to his neck to give a relieved breath he was breathing which meant he was alive. She immediately assessed his wounds and her heart went sore there were multiple abrasions - cuts and bruises covered his naked body immediately shoving her orange coat off covering his barren body.

Lifting him up in her arms she hastily flash stepped to the Squad Four barracks.

"I need Captain Unohana immediately!!" She shouted while placing Ichigo on a stretcher. "He has multiple wounds that need healing and his reitsu is dangerously low and we need to immediately tend to his levels!"

She rushed into double doors and into a sterile room with medical supplies - seconds later the Captain of squad four entered and shock registered over her features.

"Asane, alert all Captains and Lieutenants that Ichigo Kurosaki has returned. " Retsu Unahana - Captain of squad four demanded of her Lieutenant.

"Yes, Captain. " she replied while turning her back to her captain and rushing out of the room to send a hell butterfly to all other Captains and their lieutenants.

" Yoruichi, how is this possible. " She questioned.

"My guess is as good as yours. I have no idea what Ichigo has been through. But, if we don't tend to him he will die. "

"Then we better start. "

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