Chapter Three

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Author's Note: So I'm updating and I know that this chapter is really short, but I just wanted to get something out to my fellow readers. Thank you for all the votes and comments they make me so happy to be a writer. Well, hope you guys/girls like this chapter and give what you thought in a comment below. Thanks, Woolley119

It had took them all night but the two women soul reapers - Yourichi and Unohana- didn't mind.

They were just happy he survived everything he had been put through. They couldn't imagine everything he had been through with Aizen and the Espada what his life would be like.

They admired him. And, they just wanted to see him well. Isane reported back to her captain after the healing session with Ichigo to be bombarded by all the other Captains and their respective Lieutenants that immediately stopped what they were doing and flash stepped to the barracks of squad four.

The carrot top had been sorely missed during the two years he had been held captive by the traitorous captain.

Surprisingly, it was Captian Ukitake who asked Yourichi if he could see Ichigo, but he was soon denied by the Head Captain who had made his appearance.

"I have alerted Isshin Kurosaki and Urahara will be bringing him shortly. It is a terrible thing that Ichigo has gone through. We owe him a lot and the soul society will forever be in his debt. Now Captain Unohana how is he?"
The head captain directed to the squad four captain.

"I healed the majority of the abrasions such as, cuts and bruises - upon his body, but the weakened state of his reitsu is another problem.

It will take time for his reitsu to recover to its ordinary flow. And even added time with therapy - since their is psychological damage as well as physical damage.

He has gone through a traumatic experience. There is sure to be some signs of post traumatic stress. He has been through the hard part and all we can do is be there for him when he needs it."

She finished her debriefing as the Head Captain of the Gotei Thirteen sighed. He had been alive overlooking the Soul Society for countless eras - he had formed rules and laws; watched young soul reapers graduate and master their powers to become stronger; and with this boy everything about the Soul Society had changed. Ichigo Kurosaki did that.

There were no words that could be spoken to Ichigo. Each Captain and their respective Lieutenants just stood there along with the eerie silence.

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