Chapter Four

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Note: Hello my fellow readers just wanted to say that I've posted this story on Fanfiction dot net underneath the name Bella4evr3.
The one I've posted on Fanfiction is also edited so you might just want to read that one. But, I will keep posting into this too. Well, hope you like this chapter, Woolley119

Isshin Shiba ex-soul reaper captain or more known as Isshin Kurosaki - loving father had not been himself in sometime. That tragic day two days ago still replayed fresh within his mind.

How the Head captain had come to his house personally, and offered up the disappearance of his eldest; how the Head captain himself took all the blame in the essence of being a fool. For placing trust in the wrong confident. It was quite unheard of, and disconcerting for Isshin.

He still felt like he was going to break- it was only his two young daughters-yuzu and Karin-he had the courage to stay strong for their sake. He couldn't imagine what his dear wife-Masaki-would have reacted to the news. It would've left her heart-broken; Isshin still had the same sorrowful look upon his face even if two years had passed he hadn't heard any good news since, but he had never lost hope.

He just finished putting the girls to bed-when he felt it. It was only for a second, but nonetheless Isshin quickly released his soul from his gigai meeting Urahara.

"Long time no see Isshin." Kisuke Urahara muttered in his usual playful banter. "Is there any more news on Ichigo?"

The shopkeeper took his trademark fan laying it out in front of his face and replied, "It just so happens that I'm under orders from the Old man to escort you to Soul Society."

Urahara knew the time for games, yet he felt like this wasn't one of those times. Isshin had been suffering enough.

"Now, you're on the Old Man's side. What changed?" Isshin questioned.

"Oh my and here I thought you would be happy to know your son had resurfaced." The air changed suddenly as Urahara found himself in a precarious situation: either he would live, or he would die from the strangulation Isshin was about to do. It seemed like he had used flash step because Isshin had gripped the edges of Urahara's hakama. "Where is he? Where is my son?"


Grimmjow used sonido after closing the garganta that freed Ichigo from the atmosphere of Hueco Mundo. Sneering at the thought of going soft. He wasn't. He saw an opportunity. An opportunity to out Aizen.

Shortly after he returned to Las Noches Aizen was nowhere to be found. "Grimmjow." A gruff voice stated from behind the sixth espada. Grimmjow turned and glanced at the Primera espada.

"Stark, what the..." However, Grimmjow was cut off by a simple action from the Primera espada. Signing with his hand to be quiet and follow. Grimmjow sneered and disappeared in a flash reappearing behind Stark miles away from Las Noches – "what is this all about Stark?"

"The boy is important." Stark stated. It wasn't new news to Grimmjow, however. The other espada knew it, too. "What are you talking about Stark? What did you really drag me clear out here for?"

"Aizen is getting closer to the truth." Grimmjow stiffened. "Ichigo will have to become stronger quickly. Aizen is going to make his move soon, and if he finds out that I orchestrated everything up until now..."

"And, what do you want me to do?" Grimmjow questioned. Stark faced him plainly speaking the orders he wanted Grimmjow to follow," I want you to keep watch over Ichigo."

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