Chapter 1 ☮

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Chapter 1

Fun fact, I HATE jackets.


My arms were purple and my breath blew out cold air as I exhaled heavily. I went to my locker and gathered my supplies for Algebra.

My eyes caught the reflection in the tiny mirror that hung in my locker. My already pale complexion turned almost ghost like from the sudden drop in temperature and made my dark blue eyes stand out. Oh how I wished I got my mothers beautiful hazel eyes, but oh well.

I reluctantly went to class, very much dreading the thought of sitting in a room full of immature people. I hate teenagers, which is odd for I am one but I'm completely disgusted with everyone's opinions and insults.

The bell rang and I watched as my peers piled in and sat down, occasionally giving me dirty looks causing me to let out a impatient sigh.

Please let time go by fast.

The sound of clicking heels brought our attention to the front, where our middle aged, tired looking teacher stood holding a clip board. She began to call off our names for attendance.




"I'm here"




"Here" I said quietly.

Speaking out loud in a class is a big no for me. I end up tripping over my own thoughts as I glance at each person that's staring at me with judgmental their eyes.

One by one she called all of us out.

"Okay today we will be having a new student, I expect you all to welcome him" she spoke with a warning tone.

What. No. This school does not need another ignorant teenager.

The sound of a door shutting rather loudly made us jump. I casually turned my head to get a good look of this new kid.




"Please introduce yourself and pick any open seat" Ms.Rilie (Ry-Lee) welcomed him.

"Um I'm Shadow Monroe, and I'm 16" Shadow rubbed the back of his neck.

I must of looked like some kind of star struck child because my eyes would not stop staring at this man, er boy.

His voice was deep that made me want to squeal. Not to mention that his hair was perfect and long. Wow his legs, IN THOSE JEANS WOOWOWOWOW.

My thoughts were interrupted as he sat RIGHT by me. Legit like a burrito length away. My heart quickened.

Dear lord someone help me, its getting on hot in here.

"Hi" He gave me a friendly smile, that made my heart skip a beat.

"Hello" I said through gritted teeth.

I looked away and tried to get my heart to beat rate to slow down. Rapidly bouncing my knee up and down helped.

Well this class got a hell of a lot more interesting.


For the rest of the period I tried my best to take notes on the different formulas that the teacher wrote on the board.

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