running away!!!

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A/N this is my first book, sorry if its bad i'm not much of a writer. anyways tell me if i should keep the story up or not... BTW i wont do another description, so if you don't know whats going on then go read it. P.S. when its written like this it's her thoughts.

*Mae/Mia POV*

3... 2... 1... FINALLY 12:00, I'm off my shift! I've already packed my bags with my secret suitcase that has my guns, handcuffs, etc. I grab my sun-glasses put them on and I'm out the door to my private 4 story house that the FBI and CIA don't know about. I started singing jar of hearts quietly but a police officer cut me off by walking up to me and asking"we have a 13 year old runaway that looks like this, have you seen her" and showed me a photo 'geez that was fast for someone to notice i was gone'  "yeah actually have, i saw her down Stuart Road" i lied. " oh ok, thanks" i was about to keep walking but he stopped me by saying "what are you doing out here anyways? its 12:30 at night", "oh i like going on late night walks so I don't run into anyone i know so it will be more peaceful" i lied again. then he asked "whats with all the bags?" oh shoot! what am i gonna say?  " i was also on my way back from the gym" please believe it, please believe it, please believe it  "oh ok then, have a nice night miss" he said and sounded a little disappointed, maybe because he thought it was me? any ways, i continued singing until i arrived at my house to spend the night there and then i'll be off in the morning.

*the next morning*

i woke up in my nice bed with all the memories of yesterday fresh in my mind. i looked over at the clock. 8:30. i got up and dressed into a light blue shirt and black leggings, brushed my curly hair and looked in the mirror, after i was satisfied with my look i raced down the big flight of stairs and had cheerios for brekky (breakfast). i then put on my black sneakers, grabbed my bags and was on my way to the orphanage. 

i reached the orphanage and climbed the steps to the orphanage and knocked. a nasty looking lady answered the door and said "welcome to sunny side orphanage (A/N don't know if that actually exists) what do you want" in a monotone voice. "hello i was wondering if i could stay here, i'm homeless" i lied. "sure, come in" she said and stepped aside while motioning for me to come in. i stepped in and i saw 2 couches with about 6 kids on it facing a T.V. and a staircase leading upstairs to where i'm guessing our rooms are. i was cut out of my thoughts when she said "go up to room 156, 3rd floor and unpack, you've got no room-mate." perfect!  "thank you Miss" i said and went to go find my room. i entered my room to find a mattress on the ground in a corner with a blanket and a pillow with a dresser on the other side of the 3x3m room. i'm guessing she instantly took a disliking to me, oh well. i finished getting unpacked and layed down on the uncomfortable mattress and took a short, half an hour nap

*half an hour later*

i woke to a knock on my door. "yeah?" i said in a croaky voice since i just woke up. "i want to ask you questions for your file come down in 10 minutes". "ok, be down soon". i said and started brushing my hair and teeth. then i waited a little while before going down. i went into an office and there sat that lady at the desk... i never got her name. "sit" she said a little sternly. "first of all whats your name" she asks with no interest only boredom in her voice. "whats yours" i said mimicking her... if i'm gonna stay i think i will have a little fun... "you will call me Miss Bousefield, now whats yours?". "Mae Drew Anderson". "age?" she said with boredom. "yours?" "Mae i'm not really in the mood for games right now just answer the questions please" she said sternly. "well I am" i said smugly with a smirk "Mae don't get me angry" she said with clenched teeth. "fine, but i will later" i said smirking and she glared at me. "fine, Age?", "13", "what happened to you to end up here" she asks with a bit of interest this time "i refuse to tell you" i said with amusement in my voice. "fine, but i'll know later" she says with disappointment "hobbies?" "eating, drawing, singing, reading, boxing, playing instruments, climbing tree's, soccer(football) and more." i say bored "any talents?" she asked "i can play every instrument known, singing, sports and my stamina is above average." "and finally an overall of your personality". "secretive, sassy, fun, nice, sporty, fearless and more. is that all?"  i ask extremely bored now "yes it is, for now" i got up to leave and when i was about to go out the door she said "by the way i already hate you most" very amused. i smirked and said "yes same for you miss butt breath" i said and walked out. this is gonna be a long stay!

A/N: i hope you liked it, 1D should be in the next chapter. please say all your thoughts in the comments and i will be updating ASAP! see ya later!!

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