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A/N sorry i haven't updated lately, but i hope i still have readers. anyway, here's the chapter 'hospital' hope you enjoy
PS: Sorry for any confusion, I changed her real name to Mia Ava Johnson.

*Niall POV* (back from when they're in the camera room)

 we're watching Mae... or Mia... or whatever we supposed call her, fight the gang when all of a sudden the door burst open with a guy holding a gun. he walks over to me and i try to walk back slowly but he grabs me and hold me in a headlock with the gun to me head. "try and take him back, and i'll shoot him" he says and walks out with me. i'm so scared, what if he kills me?! i start having tears. soon we walk back into the bank where Mae or Mia is looking around, when she spots us, she freezes a little with eyes wide, she snaps out of it quickly and points her gun at him. he pulls me by my hair over to the wall and tells me to stay here or he will shoot me, all i do is nod, im so freaking scared. Mae or Mia, i'm just gonna call her Mae, looks over and lip syncs 'it's ok' i just nod again. "i will not hesitate to kill or shoot, hand your self in to the police or i will take action." Mae said confidently. "take action then, little girl" one of the guys mocked. i can see tears welling in her eyes, i'm worried about what shes gonna do. "fine, i will" she then shoots the 5 guys in the chest leaving the guy that was gonna shoot me, i freeze when i hear a gunshot that's not from her gun, but the guys who brought me here, i squeeze my eyes shut waiting for the pain but all i got, another gunshot from Mae's gun, and no pain... oh no, please don't do what i think you did. i open my eyes and i see Mae on the floor with a bullet wound next to her collar bone, and the other guy dead with a bullet in his head. i run over to Mae and her breathing is slowly becoming slower. the only words that come out it "Niall... Hospital... quick..." before she passed out. i picked her up bridal style at the same time all the lads come out the room and look at Mae with tears and worry. "quick take me to hospital!" i shout snapping them out of their trance. we run out to the van and Harry, Louis and me got in the back with her while Zayn got in the passenger seat and Liam started speeding to the hospital. "will she be ok?" i say while looking down at Mae with my voice cracking and tears on my cheeks. "I hope so mate" Harry says with sadness. "it's all my fault" i say with a sob "ok, now lets get this clear, this was NOT your fault, you didn't know she would do that, none of us did." Liam says with all seriousness. "ok" i mumble even though i knew it was a lie, it was my fault. 5 minutes later we arrived at the hospital. with the car just stopping i jumped out with Mae still in my arms and sprinted to the emergency room with the lads chasing after me. "HELP, SHES GOTTEN SHOT!" i say and nurses and doctors took her from my arms, put her on a gurney (A/N is that what they're called?) and rolled her to the surgery room. we tried to follow but got held back. we eventually gave up and went to the waiting room where we all cried silently. i guess we are just gonna have to wait.

A/N sorry it's so short but i've got to pack for a holiday and i've got 2 more books to update. anyway, do you think i should keep going or not. i don't know if i should. please comment and vote! SEE YA!!

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