Chapter 2

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Xavier's P.O.V

'' Bro, I'd really enjoy Killing the guy.'' Lip grunted, '' Why, Who is he?'' I asked looking towards the direction where Skyler and the guy were talking to each other, a strange feeling started to form inside me, it's like somewhat jealousy, Why is he get to talk to her?, and what's all this tension for... is this her boyfriend?  

''Damon King, Sky and him  Were together for a long time, But she broke up with him cause, well he lied..'' Kendall Said, Why would someone ever hurt a girl like Skyler, he must be stupid. '' Yeah, But Damon's doesn't seem to give up on her, The other day he beat a guy that declared his love to Sky. '' Scarlett said chuckling, '' He's trouble man, not the right for her.'' Lip shook his head. I barely know Skyler, But I know she's beautiful , and the things I'd do to her, That body like the summer... I might consider trying to win her heart, it could be the right timing.

'' Yo Xavier, You coming bro? we got practice.'' Lip said, As I Caught myself staring at her, I swear I gotta get her somehow, takes what it takes.'' Oh.. yeah Let's go.'' 

Skyler's P.O.V

'' Listen my Queen-'' I Interrupted Damon, '' Stop calling me that D.'' I  sighed.'' D.'' He repeated after me, as I looked up to see that smirk on his face, '' Don't get your hopes on, It's just a letter.'' I told, That's my nickname for him, only a letter but it hides thousand special feeling. I still need to work on leaving some old habits behind.

''Come on Sky, Please Don't be icy. You are my Queen don't you know that?'' He said taking a step closer as he looked at me in that sweet, charming way he always does.  I stepped back, He looked down disappointed, '' I-I'm sorry Okay? I just really miss you, I miss us.'' He sighed, 'I love you babygirl, Remember the things we went through together? Without you I'm not the same,  I need you Skylar.'' He said, However much I wanted to tell him that I miss us too, and say I love him back, I just couldn't, All I said was...'' I need to go.'' 


''We should go shopping today, I need a new Bikini, we're going to the beach this weekend.'' Said Kendall as she took a huge bit of her burger. We were at McDonald's by now, after leaving Damon without turning back, I find it hard to focus... for some reason.'' So you just planned out everything?'' Scarlett laughed.'' Yeah, I thought a little relax won't harm right? I just can't decide... half moon bay or Malibu,What do you think Sky?'' '' Skylar!?'' Scarlett said loudly, I snapped out of my thoughts, ''What?'' I asked, They giggled, '' You're totally zoned  out.'' 

'' Yeah I'm kind of just out of my mind.'' I said truthfully, '' I know What you need.'' Scarlett winked as she got up walking off, Me and Kendall looked at each other, Shrugging as we continued eating our fries. 

When Scarlett came back she brought a bunch of ice cream in all different flavours, She placed it on the table with a huge grin on her face. '' Now that was an amazing Idea.'' We said to her giggling . 

'' Listen Bae, Despite the fact that Damon is Extremely hot, And he's really nice... only to you, Which is beyond cute...'' Scarlett sighed, Kendall rolled her eyes, '' Scar I don't think that's helpful.'' She shook her head, taking a sip of her milkshake,''OK, I mean He lied only to protect you from knowing all that crazy shit. Right?'' Scarlett asked, '' That's what he said.'' I answered,'' In that short time you let him speak.''  '' Said Kendall, she had a point. ''  You barely gave him enough, so neither you know the exact reason why you decided to end things.'' She continued.'' I know." I said thinking about it. '' Kendy you're so logical." Scar mocked her pulling a face. I chuckled, " Its not like he keeps a family in upper east-side, Duh!'' She added making me laugh a little, Kendall gave her a weird look, But the shrugged,'' Scarlett, dear where have we lost your common sense...' Kendall sighed, I shook my head, '' I felt like at that moment what i knew was all enough, I didn't wanted to listen... But All is not lost that is delayed.'' I said. '' I see the way you look at him, You may feel mad but you two slay,, and the way he stares at you it explains everything...'' Kendy smiled...'' He loves you Sky.'' Scarlett said,'' And i love him. and miss him like crazy but he lied, not just once but several times, I felt it but I've been patient. now all i feel is the ice,'' I said, ''That's cold.'' Scarlett said as we laughed, '' With a hint of gold.'' Kendall  winked'' As always.'' Scar added.

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