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Mount Justice
March 21, 17:33 EDT
"Aquaman has all of Atlantis on the case.", Mal said, looking over the holographic globe of the world. "He says they're quote 'searching the seven seas' for Lagoon Boy and his captives. Its a big planet. And that's a lotta water." Karen put her hand on her boyfriend's shoulder. "We'll find La'gaan." "And Aqualad.", Mal growled. "I want his fish head on a platter for what he did to Conner."

Karen sighed. "Guess we're not any closer to identifying the Light's new partner." She turned around to see that Nightwing had pulled his "ninja thing" and disappeared. "Where is everyone?", Mal asked. "Well, the girls are in the showers.", Karen told him. "The rest...they're down in the grotto."

Underground, Tim, Gar, Jaime and Bart were setting something up. Around them were larger-than-life holographic pictures of fallen heroes—second Blue Beetle Ted Kord, Aquagirl Tula, and second Robin Jason Todd. Tim looked up. "Its ready." He reached over and pressed a button. A hologram came out of it, the same size as the others. It was Superboy, his arms folded across his chest firmly, his eyes determined as he looked upwards. The four freshmen gazed up at the tribute to their fallen friend, a sad Wolf and Sphere beside them, trying not to cry.

March 21, 17:38 EDT
Artemis knelt down and placed a bouquet of red flowers among the grass. The tombstone in front of her read CONNER WILLIAM KENT—BELOVED SON AND BROTHER.  She got back up to stand beside Wally.  Martha and Jonathan Kent stood next to them, holding each other tightly as they stared at their son's grave with tears in their eyes.  "Thank you two, for coming.", she said, holding her lace hanky to her face.  "You, too, Paula."

Paula Crock wheeled herself next to Martha.  "It is nothing.  After what has happened..."  She looked at the stone.  "It is the least I can do.  I only wish I could do more."  Jonathan bit his lip.  "This has been the hardest time of our lives.  Harder than telling Clark of his true origins...than letting him become a hero...than him going off to trial...we could've never survived this without friends."  Wally and Artemis looked at each other, their guilt eating at them from the inside.

From a few yards away, Jade stood by, cradling Lian in her arms.  "Small funeral, eh?"  She gasped and turned around to see her father.  "You!  What are you doing here?"  "Just came to drop in on my family.", he said with a smirk.  Her eyes narrowed at him.  "You gave up the right to call us family when you let Mom take the fall for both of you and abused Artemis and me."  He shook his head.  "Have it your way.  Saw what happened to your sister's lil' friend.  Funny.  Everyone thought he was indestructible, and he was the first of 'em to go."

She turned back to her sister, whose head was buried in Wally's shoulder, and her mother, whose hand was on Martha's.  "Superboy was like a brother to Artemis and Wally.  They keep saying they should've told him that before, payed more attention to him, made sure he wasn't lonely after his breakup."  "Yeah, well, too late for that, baby girl", Laurence said.  Jade's eyes narrowed into slits.  "But its not too late to take vengeance on his killer.  Aqualad will pay for the tears he's caused my sister."

"Yeah, well, while you two have your problems, there's trouble in the Light over this, too!"  "What kind of trouble?", Jade scoffed, sneering at her father.  "The powerhouse of the Team kicked the bucket!  I thought you and your peers would be having a party over this!"  "We are...except for Luthor."  "What is he so upset about?  Its not like he loved Conner."

"You don't get it, do you, Jade?", he said, stepping closer to her so that their faces were mere inches apart, causing her to hold Lian closer to her chest.  "The son of Black Manta can't kill any offspring of Lex Luthor.  Not without running it by him first.  If he lets this stand, everyone will think he's a punk!"  He began to walk away, looking over his shoulder with a nasty smirk.  "Sparks are gonna fly, baby girl...and not the good kind."

Dakota City
March 21, 18:17 CDT
"Megan, Zatanna and Artemis are here!"  The said trio was greeted with hugs and cheers from all their closet female friends, including the hostess.  "I'm so glad you guys could make it!"  Artemis put a gift bag on the table.  "Happy bridal shower, Raquel!"  "Oh, Arty!  You shouldn't have!"  Artemis, M'gann and Zatanna all took their seats.  Raquel let out a crisp laugh.  "So many presents!  I feel like its my birthday!"

At "birthday", the smile on M'gann's face faded.  She stared into space for a moment before hastily leaving the table.  "M'gann?"  Raquel frowned worrisomely.  "What did I say?"  Artemis got out of her seat and ran after her best friend.

She found her in one of the bathroom stalls, her usual cheery face buried in her hands, muffling the loud sobs that came out.  The other girls poured in as Artemis knelt next to her, rubbing her hand over her back.  "M'gann, what's wrong?"  When addressed, she looked up at her friends, a trail of tears leaving tracks on her cheeks.  "Its Conner's birthday today."  All eyes went wide.  "Well, it would've been...if he...if he...if he was still..."  She started crying again.

"Oh, man.", Artemis said.  "That's right.  I forgot."  "I feel so guilty.", Zatanna said.  M'gann wiped her face with her sleeve.  "I didn't plan anything for him this year.  And now, I really wish I had."  She choked back more sobs.  Raquel shook her head sadly.  "I scheduled my shower on the exact same day as Conner's birthday...I feel like such a jerk.  Remember all those huge surprise parties M'gann threw him every year?"  "He hated those parties.", Megan said with a sniffle.

Dinah shook her head.  "Nope.  I don't think so."  She sat next to M'gann.  "Conner only pretended to hate those parties.  He knew it made you happy to throw them for him, so, secretly—he loved it."  Megan smiled for a few seconds before her face fell again.  "And now I'll never get to throw him another party ever again."  She dabbed her eyes with some toilet paper.

Raquel bit her lip.  "What am I doing, anyway?  Having this can we celebrate so soon-". "Because!", Megan cried, jumping to her feet.  "Conner would want us to celebrate!"  "He'd be pissed if we didn't.", Zatanna said. Raquel saw the plastic cups piled near the sink.  She took them all out and filled them with water, passing them out to the others.  "A toast.", she said, raising her cup.  "To absent friends."  "To absent friends.", they all said.  Artemis grinned.  "And to the bride!"  "To the bride!"

M'gann smiled weakly as she wiped her tears.  Her mind was filled with memories of Conner's past birthdays—watching him blow out his candles, seeing him open his presents, looking into his eyes as he thanked her for putting it all together.  The idea of never helping him celebrate another birthday with him was devastating.  Conner's death had left a hole in her heart—a hole she was sure would never heal.

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