The Fix

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Atlantic Ocean
April 9, 03:16 EDT
The Hunter lied on his cot in his single space bedroom. How did it all go so wrong so fast? He got up and walked over to the sink to look at himself in the mirror. I'd say I have no one to blame but myself. Except its getting harder and harder to remember who myself really is.

He took off his eye mask and touched the golden drop pendant strung around his neck. Thanks to this glamour charm, the whole world thinks I'm the Hunter, professional assassin and trusted member of Black Manta's organization. His face, though curved with chestnut hair and chocolate eyes in person, was reflected as chiseled and sharp, with short raven locks and ice blue eyes. But I'm one of the few people the charm doesn't affect. And when I look in the mirror, its the only reminder I have left that I'm still Conner.

He covered his face with her hands. What was I thinking? Sure, it was lonely back home. But I was still part of a team, and I still had Ma and Pa Kent. I had a good thing going. A warm home, nice friends, good family...but when Nightwing offered me a chance to escape, I couldn't say yes fast enough. He reared back his fists and punched the mirror, staring at his reflection in the shattered glass. Just then, Black Manta's voice came over the intercom. "Hunter, report to Kaldur'ahm's quarters at once."

Hunter put his mask back on and ran down the hall.  He pushed the door to Kaldur's room open.  "Yes, boss?"  He did his best to hide his shock when he saw a familiar figure standing over Kaldur in his bed.  "This is Psimon.", Manta said.  "He is here to psychically repair my son's shattered mind."  "He can do that?"  Psimon smiled wickedly.  "Indeed, my boy.  I'll dig right in and root about, piecing his entire mental life together."  He chuckled sinisterly.  "By the time I'm done, I'll know Kaldur'ahm better than he knows himself."

The Hunter smirked.  "Perfect."  Yeah, perfect., Conner thought.  If you don't mind Psimon learning all of Aqualad's secrets.  Including the one about he and I being double agents for the Team and the Justice Leauge.  How did it all go so wrong so fast?

As Psimon prepared, Manta stood next to the Hunter.  "Stay with him until the process is complete.  My son never spoke his feelings, but his words could not cried how much he cared about you, Hunter."  "I don't speak about my feelings, either.", he said.  "Not with words."

"Your actions define you.  I respect that.", Manta said.  "So you'll be happy to know, I will take action against the Martian witch that did this to our beloved Kaldur'ahm." And he left the room.  Great., Conner thought.  Now I have rescue Aqualad and Miss Martian.  Long distance, no less.  He sighed on the inside, his eyes narrowing.  No one's going to hurt M'gann.  Not as long as I'm around.

April 9, 00:20 MDT
Miss Martian shook her head. "I'm not very comfortable with this. Delving into your an intrusion." Green Beetle sat in a chair before her. "You have my permission. We must be able to trust each other." His mouth spread out into a creepy smile. Miss Martian cringed. "Does my smile displease?", he asked her. "Is this not how humans convey friendship and put each other at ease?"

"He's right, Miss M.", Nightwing told her. "We need to trust each other. Which means we need to confirm he is who he says he is. You're our only real option." Lagoon Boy put his webbed hands on her shoulders. "Go for it, Angelfish. Reading this guy will be a piece of crab cake." Miss Martian sighed and started the link up with Green Beetle.

Ah, so you are a White Martian., his voice came over the link. You came to Earth in order to pass as a Green. That must have been very difficult. She frowned. I'm supposed to be reading you. But your reluctance to probe deeply is crystal clear., he told her. You hide the specifics, yet I sense that you have recently had a most negative experience during a hostile mind link. So allow me to volunteer my thoughts. In this way, you can be sure nothing unfortunate shall occur.

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