Noah looked at me for a second before moving closer. I sucked the card off his lips but it faltered and fell to the ground. A second later I felt a pair of lips on mine. My eye's closed instantly as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I lifted m...
A princess is a woman who not only takes pride in the way they present themselves but in who they are. They don't define themselves by clothing and make-up (although they do make themselves there personal best for their prince!) but they know that their attitude, their morals and their life choices are far more important.
A princess deserves a prince when she learns how to honour him. She knows how to respect a man, not just use him for her own personal gain. She knows she is worth more than precious jewels, because she puts others before herself, especially her prince. She picks her prince carefully based on what he is like. Not by his status or cash-flow, but by his heart and his ability to put her first too just like she does for him.
She will watch over her mouth and not swear like a bush pig, or join in idle gossip and bitchiness towards others. She will not look down on people who aren't princesses, but will always help others to come up to her level, and help them to become princesses themselves.
She is always helping out, and watches over the ways of her household. she knows what is going on. She isn't silly and ditzy. She educates herself on things that are important, not just her make-up and who's who in the celebrity world.
she realises her potential and grows her self esteem, getting involved in hobbies, or business, anything to stimulate herself to become a better more well grounded person.
she analyses herself frequently. Not negatively but in hopes of ever improving her personality, and hence her very way of life.
Her existence blesses others, because she is not selfish and caught up in her own little world of problems and so on. She helps those less fortunate than her in any little way she can, and she tries her best in all she does, even things she might not enjoy doing, like housework or exams.
She is optimistic and believes in herself and others.
She is a princess because she is valuable to the people around her.
I try to be a princess as best I can. I don't think everyone is like this all the time. Nobody is perfect., but a woman whose heart is in the right place, and wants to be like this, and works for it... she is worthy of being called a Princess.
I am a princess.
"When you feel like rebelling or indulging in other questionable behaviour, remember your crown and ask yourself, Is this the conduct of a princess? My princess Qualities?"
Lauren Curtis as Paige Allison(Pay-ge)
Luke Guldanas Noah Ryder (No-wah)
Martha Hunt asKrystal D'Souza(Chris-tal)
Bregje Heinen as Jennifer D'Souza (Jenny-fer)
Olivia Wilde as Beatrice Holland (Bee-tris)
Paige Allison:
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Noah Ryder:
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Aiden Kress:
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Krystal D'Souza:
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Jennifer D'Souza:
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Beatrice Holland:
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