{Pic of Paige. Not Edited.}
It's not easy being a princess..But hey...If the shoe fits.
"Princess, you have been summoned by the Queen" A maid bowed. I nodded, getting up and following her out of the door and to the throne room.
"Mother. You asked for me?" I bowed. Even though I was her very own daughter I was no different from anyone else. If others would bow to her, so would I.
"Yes. Please take a seat." I did as asked. Taking a seat directly opposite her throne.
"As you probably already must have heard, I have decided to step off the throne. It is too much for me to handle. Me leaving the throne means you have to step up to it" She announced completely shocking me.
"What? Why am I being told about this now? I'm not ready" I jump up from my seat. My Mother gives me a disapproving look making me take a seat again.
"Mother, I am not ready." I tried to explain as respectfully as I could. I had to make sure my words did not disrespect her.
"I understand that. Which is why I am giving you a years term. As soon as this year is over you will be taking up the role of Queen." She replies calmly. I took a deep breath thinking over the situation. Denying the Queen would be disrespect and I always knew I would be Queen, just not this early.
"On one condition" I try to bargain. Two maids walked into the room placing a drink for my Mother and I before leaving again.
"What may this condition be?" She asks taking a sip from her glass. I hesitate before speaking up.
"No one has ever seen me, right? I have always been protected." I wait for her to nod, before continuing. "I want that to change. I want to finally see how life is outside these walls. I want my final year of education to be completed in an actual college." I point to the walls. "I want to have a year of freedom". The Queen looks back at me horrified.
"That is simply not possible. Have you any idea, how many assassins are waiting out there, just for a chance to get to you? That is too big of a risk to take." She scolded. I kept my spine straight.
"That is my condition. No one has ever seen me, so how would they know of my looks? How would they know who the Princess is?" I asked. She stays silent looking thoughtful.
"I cannot risk you" She responds.
"I am capable of protecting myself. I have paid attention in my classes. If anything happens, I promise I will be on the phone with you, the second instant"
"I'll see what I can do" I jump out my seat, gratefully bowing.
"Thank you" I say and left when she permitted me too. Finally. Finally, I would be able to get the taste of freedom. I ran straight to my room, getting changed into my night gown, before getting into my bed.
"Are you ready princess?" My hairdresser asked.
"Yes. You may begin" My Mother decided it would be safer to change my appearance before going out. I didn't understand her point because no-one has actually ever seen me, but I didn't complain. I needed a change. I decided to get my hair colour changed to a bleached blonde colour from my natural brown hair.
A few hours later, I was all good to go. I turned around looking in the mirror.
"This is perfect. Thank you" I addressed the hairdresser. He bowed before leaving. I walked back to my room and headed to my closet. I was going to move out and to a penthouse my Mother bought. My bags were all already packed, all that was left to do was for me to get ready. I had to send someone to buy me clothes that wouldn't be classified as too posh in college. All I had in my closet were fancy dresses. I picked out white jeans and a peachy blouse changing into them before walking down to the throne room.
"I am ready, Mother" I said as I walked in. The maids and servants all stood in one straight, long line.
"Goodbye Princess Allison. Stay safe" She kissed both of my cheeks and I did the same. I walked out of the main doors looking back at the Palace. This is the last time I will enter the place for another year. Hopefully.
I walked to my car, thanking the driver for the opened door. After placing my bags into the trunk he moved to the drivers side and began driving.
This is where it will all begin.
{A/N: So Homiesss...Here is the first Chapter up for Princess Undercover. It is rather short, but I promise the chapters will get longer as the story progresses. Noah will also make a presence in the coming future. As for now please...
Lots of love - Me}

Princess Undercover ✔
Teen FictionNoah looked at me for a second before moving closer. I sucked the card off his lips but it faltered and fell to the ground. A second later I felt a pair of lips on mine. My eye's closed instantly as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I lifted m...