{Pic of Krystal. Not Edited}
Song: New Girl
Artist (s): Reggie & Bollie
Hurt me with the truth but never comfort me with a lie.
I'm never afraid to do something new, because I never know if it will change my life or not. There's no point being timid and squeamish while performing new actions because all life is, is an experiment. If you want to try something new, you have got to have a vision. You've got to have a perspective. You've got to have a north star that you're aiming for and you have to believe that you're going to get there. That's your passion point. Nothing is possible without your passion point.
Let me ask you. When was the last time you did something, for the first time? Do something today. Everyone feels stupid when they do something for the first time but they do it anyway. You should to.
"The line's moving forward" A girl from behind me said. I mutter a 'Sorry' over my shoulder before taking a step forward.
"No problem. I'm Krystal by the way" She says extending a hand. I gratefully take it.
"Allison" I smile. Krystal was beautiful with her pale green eyes and brown hair. I pick up a sandwich and a bottle of water moving forward to pay for it. Krystal follows a step behind.
"Do you wanna come sit me and my friends?" She asks nodding her head towards a table.
"Sure" she beams at me and leads to a table near the entrance. There were already a few girls present there.
"Allison meet Alice and Grace some friends and my sister Jennifer." I give a little wave to everyone but my eyes zone into Jennifer. She was stunning just like Krystal. She also had brown hair but instead of green she had brown eyes too. None the less, beautiful.
"I'm Allison" I introduced sitting down. Jennifer looked at me with a welcoming smile before motioning to a seat next to her. I happily take it.
"I haven't seen you around before" She speaks up taking a bite of her sandwich.
"I'm new" I explain.
"Make sense" She lowly chuckled.
"Can I ask you something?" She asked staring at me. I nodded unsure. As long as it wasn't where I came from.
"Where do you get your bows done?" Her chin rested on her palm as she inspected my eyebrows.
"What?" I laugh at her question. She flushes.
"Sorry. I can't help it" She says sheepishly. Krystal scoffs in her seat making me turning towards her.
"Ignore her." She says reassuringly. Before Jennifer could protest a shadow hovered above us.
"Do you need anything?" Krystal said annoyed.
"Yeah. For you to burn in hell" Aiden says wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I shrug it off. If I don't know you, I don't like you touching me. Noah stood by his side.

Princess Undercover ✔
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