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1738_luke:: hey bae 👅🔥❤️

maggie98:: what do you want?

1738_luke:: you do realize you're on a dating website, right? obviously i want to try and start something w/ you.

maggie98:: dude you don't even know me 😂

1738_luke:: but i could know you, if you would actually try and have a convo w/ me.

maggie98:: fine. what do you want to know, luke?

1738_luke:: are you a virgin?

maggie98:: bye.

1738_luke:: i was kidDING LOL. what's your favorite color?

maggie98:: black. yours?

1738_luke:: blue. more specifically, the color of your eyes 😍😍

maggie98:: my eyes are brown you dumbass 😂😂

1738_luke:: i don't believe you, they look blue in your profile pic. maybe if you send me a selfie..?

maggie98:: alright

1738_luke:: holy shit you're hot

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1738_luke:: holy shit you're hot.

maggie98:: well you gotta send me a selfie now, it's only fair.


maggie98:: did not imagine you with a beard or piercing at ALL

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maggie98:: did not imagine you with a beard or piercing at ALL

1738_luke:: my friend calum keeps telling me to shave it.

maggie98:: tell calum to fuck off. if your beard makes you confident then that's all that matters. btw, you're hot as hell luke.

1738_luke:: thanks, i gotta go. text you later.

maggie98:: later dude

1738_luke:: later bae


bazang!! maggie lindemann is maggie bc duh. she's so gorgeous. luke is so hot.

alright, imma write more chapters of this ☺️☺️

bae ; luke hemmingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora