Chap 8 "A New Surprise"

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Niall's POV
Alli looked at her phone. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"Aunt Cas wants to see me," Alli sighed. "Let's go." We went to Aunt Cas' garage. We changed out of our gear and we got Baymax out of his. We met with Aunt Cas in the living room. "Aunt Cas, you wanted to see me?"
"Yes, and whoa," she stated. "Who's the big guy?"
"That's Baymax," Alli sighed. "What did you need to talk to me about?"
"This came with your name on it," Aunt Cas handed her a yellow arrow.
"Samurai?" Alli asked. "This doesn't make sense."
"Alli, before you get angry, I want you to know your parents loves you like their own," Aunt Cas sighed. Alli was confused. "Alli, you're adopted."
"Zayn isn't my brother?" Alli asked.
"Not by blood," Aunt Cas sighed. "You were adopted when you were an infant. Your parents wanted me to keep this from you until the time came around." I looked at her. "Your real parents didn't want this happening and neither did your adoptive parents."
"I still don't know what this means," Alli said as she looked at the arrow. "It's just got a piece of paper with my name on it. What does this mean?"
"When you were put into the adoption system, it was so you wouldn't have to become a Samurai Power Ranger," Aunt Cas sighed. She got a box off the shelf of the TV. She sat it on the table and got out a triangle box. "Remember this?"
"Yeah," Alli nodded. "I played with this all the time when I was younger. It was my favorite toy."
"It's actually an ape," Aunt Cas replied. "It's part of the battle zord. Your real mom was the yellow Samurai. She passed it onto your younger sister, Emily."
"What does this have to do with getting an arrow with my name?" Alli asked, getting impatient.
"Alli, you're being called," Aunt Cas sighed as she put a phone on the table. "This is a samuraizer."
"What does this have to do with Alli?" I asked.
"Remember the book, The World of Zords?" Aunt Cas asked. Alli nodded. "Well, what you thought is a fairy tale, isn't. Alli, this is your destiny. You are the pilot for the Ape Zord. You are the yellow ranger. Being a superhero, is in your genes."
"Funny you should say that," I chuckled.
"Alli, you have to fulfill your life as a Samurai because Emily has been badly hurt," Aunt Cas stated.
"Just tell me where to start," Alli sighed.
"The message I was supposed to give you," Aunt Cas nodded. "Alli Malik, you are being called to stand in the place for your sister. Without you, the world will be taken over. Please join us as a samurai and fulfill this duty so we can all live in peace. Meet your team at the Shiba House. Signed, Your Ancestors."
"I should go," Alli nodded.

We went down to the garage and got our gear back on. "What does all that mean?" I asked.
"I don't know," Alli sighed. "But we're about to find out."
"So we're going to the Shiba House?" I asked. Alli nodded. We let Baymax guide the way since we had no idea where we were headed. When we got there four guys and a girl around our age looked at us. An older man walked out of the house. "Are you sure we're in the right place?"
"I'm pretty sure," Alli nodded.
"Who are you?" asked the guy in a black suit that was lined with red on it.
"Alli Malik," Alli sighed as she threw him the yellow triangular box. "You called for me?"
"I'm Jayden," he smiled. "I'm the red ranger. This is Kevin who's the blue, Mike who's the green, Antonio who's the gold, and Mia who's the pink." He pointed at the older man. "That's Mentor Ji. He's taking care of your younger sister now."
"What are you guys wearing?" Mike asked.
"We're heroes," I nodded. "We're the one's who cleaned up that mess that was made at Cray Tech."
"Who's the big guy?" Mike asked.
"Alli, you wanna take that one?" I asked. "Since he's your robot."

A/N: With Much Love, Lily

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