"Orphaned, left alone who of our kind would leave a helpless child alone not having a clue how to care for oneself "he yells at the walls, "um has this never happened before or something because children get abandoned all the time." I quietly said he told me calmly . "Oh I'm sorry but yes this has never happened all of our kind who decide to have kids know the risks and responsibilities of raising one of us" .. "um what is the name of our kind exactly you never told me the name " I asked "oh my yes we are the Mortem um it's Latin it is nice huh?" He told me . Mortem Mortem I took Latin think Lilith think Mortem it means death oh my god we are called death who's idea was that! "follow me "Castiel said to me as if it was not a choice. We walked and walked till we reached a large room full of cots "why is this room full of beds " I asked in a panicky voice he quickly realized once again I did not know any of this "Mortem may have children but we Need to stay strong , we are in a war with the Vitae , Lilith I am so sorry you are going to have to go through this it is just the rules , I will help you in anyway possible " ...... "Wait a you are serious, this is against my human rights ,,, oh yeah we are not human ugh so I have to fight people who have been training for this their entire life " I told him perfect I can take some thugs , but skilled fighters I do not think so !!! "Lilith those were some of the fighters not thugs of course they were not the best but they were okay "he told me in shock I quickly realized "WAIT AM I GOING TO HAVE TO KILL THEM, I did not sign up for this Castiel please tell that this is some kind of cruel joke and you do this so you can see how we react under pressure ,,,,,,, oh my god this is not a joke this is real oh my god how could you ask your children to kill each other Surely no parent would agree to this , well they might I don't know!" He told me as if he had seen this before "calm down you are already a really good fighter you will be fine and parents do not like this I lost my daughter to this war with the vitae I know it can be shocking but you have an advantage you do not know anyone yet you will not feel bad for their families and well I'm not good at pep talks so I'll show you the other bellatorum or fighter as you call them" he walks toward a small white door and when we step inside we see a bunch of people my that look around 23-27. Well let the fight begin okay review time so the first thing they are going to do is try to be friends stay away or impress me then they will walk away to "train " in reality they will be finding anything they can about me on the internet okay let's say hello how about that. "Hello" I say to a girl who walked up to me .
Shattered by fate.
Mystery / ThrillerA creepy funny book that literally popped out of my brain