The lump in my throat is only growing.

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"I don't like the way he treats you." Niall spoke, fiddling with his fork.

I felt a lump in the back of my throat. Why did Niall hate Matty so much?

"What's wrong?" I asked. He hesitated. My best friend hadn't been telling me what I wanted to hear.

He was keeping secrets from me.

"Ni?" He ignored me and stabbed his fork into a tomato on his plate. "Niall!" I yelled. He looked up, catching my eyes.

"He's just not good for you-"

Niall's crystal blue eyes shone in the sunlight and sparkled. I scratched the back of my head and stared across the lunch table.

"Why's he not good for me?" I questioned. He was my best friend, and I loved him, but I was starting to wonder if he was telling me the truth.

"Did Matty do something to you?" I asked him worried.

He paused. He looked across the courtyard and darted his eyes over. They were filled with pain and hurt.

Niall leaned across the table. "Look, please believe me. Matty is ch-" His mouth gaped open.

He slashed his head around, causing me to do the same. I caught the sight he was looking at and bit my lip.

Matty stood at the other side of the courtyard and walked over to us. His eyebrows were narrowed down.

His bright smile was wiped off his face. He looked full of rage.

"Hey babe." He took a seat next to me and eyed Niall.

"What are you two gossiping about?" Niall forced a laugh and continued to eat his salad.

"N-nothing. Just Science homework." I gulped down my water. My throat stung, begging for more.

Matty nodded his head and coughed. He caught my eyes and kissed me softly. From under the table I caught Niall's hand curl into a fist.

He clenched it, making it turn bright red. I felt nauseous as Matty's lips hugged mine.

I pulled apart and moved my hair from my eyes.

"Are you going to the football game tonight?" Matty asked cheerfully.

I pierced my lips and let out a huff. "I kinda have to. Remember? I'm a cheerleader." He whacked himself in the head.

"Oh yeah." He chuckled. "I gotta go to detention. Stupid teacher said I cheated on a test. Whatever. I'll talk to you later?" He kissed my cheek and stood up.

His book bag slouched off his shoulder.

"Cheated." Niall laughed.

I overheard his words, but tried to pretend I didn't. "Okay. Bye babe." I smiled.

Niall raised his eyebrows and began to speak. "For the science experiment I was thinking we could-" I watched as Matty walked down the corridor, turning around and giving me a last wave before walking away.

Teenage Dirtbag (A Niall Horan Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now