Chapter One: Rude Awakenings

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Jace's POV:

It was a relatively nice night, no noises and no distractions. I was sleeping peacefully in my queen-sized mattress, dreaming of tacos with bacon in and on them. It was complete and utter bliss. Unfortunately, fate had other plans for me.

A loud and repetitive pounding on my door shot me out of my piggy paradise. "Jace! Jace! Senpai! PLEASE!!!" A high, squeaky male voice yelled from the other side of my door.

As I groggily sat up on my bed, I recognized the voice: a young boy, Sam, who I occasionally mentored.

"What is it, Sam? Its...I dunno, three in the morning? What's so important?" I mumbled, annoyed at him disturbance.

"They're coming! They're coming! We have a Code Bla-" He was cut off as a blood-soaked spear plunged itself through my door.

Time slowed down to a crawl as it happened. The last note seemed to carry on forever. The spear took a year to halt. It felt like it was never going to end. And just like that, everything went back to normal.

Immediately after the spear was shoved through the door, my whole body jumped into overdrive. I shot out of my bed and (luckily) didn't trip and fall because of my blanket.

I tried my best to sprint across my room, not trying to hit myself on any sharp or blunt objects (which was what my room was primarily made of).

Without breaking stride, I swooped down and grabbed my sword named SpleenStab (yes, I named my sword. Haters gonna hate), which was appropriately named after what it did to... nevermind.

I reached my door, and the spear had retracted through the hole it made. I almost slipped when I got there because of a liquid on my bare feet. It had a distinct coppery smell.

I almost stopped there. I honestly almost did. But I NEEDED to open the door, I needed to see what time had done on the other side of the door.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. A head instantly fell on my feet. Blood covered my feet. Eww.

I turned his body over to get a better look at him (it sure wasn't easy). First of all, he was a big kid. Not big, but BIG, if you get me. He was like a bowling ball. His unkempt dirty blonde hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat. His grey t-shirt was stained red in his diaphragm, and had spread to cover most of his shirt.

I bowed my head and said a few words, choking back tears. His time had come, and I had to be strong. The time to cry will come: right now, I had to find his killer.

I didn't have to look far. He was at the end of the hallway, trying to bust in the door of another room with his spear. I don't know how he got in, he was an idiot. But he killed Sam, so he got to go.

I sprinted down the hallway towards the murderer. He had just turned to look at me just as I kicked him against the wall. Then I ran up and pressed the tip of my sword against his chest.

The first thing I noticed was the smell. It was like he was a physical manifestation of a swamp. It almost made me back off. Almost.

I looked him right in the eyes and said, "Hello. My name is Jace. You killed my friend. Prepare to die."

Just then, with the smell of a swamp and heavy breathing in the air, I plunged my sword right through his heart.

I stood back to look at my dirty work. He had slumped back on to the ground, black stuff pouring out of him.

I should've explained this earlier. You know how schools have some sort of problem? Some schools have a rat problem. Some have a flooding problem.

My school has a much more SERIOUS problem.

My school has a demon problem.

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