Chapter 3

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Abagail's POV:

Jace's hopeful face as the door closed, his certainty that he would see me again. It brought a smile to my face, despite the situation.

"Twenty minutes," I scoffed. This would take WAY more than 20 minutes, even with the small army we had. They pulled out all the stops, I had to give it to them.

A back collided with mine, and I didn't even have to look to know who it was. The voice gave it away.

"Hey baby cakes, you okay?" Flynn cooed, using me as a wall to kick away a demon.

I rolled over his back and slashed across a demon's chest. "You might want to pitch that name. In fact, just pitch all of them." I said. He had a thing for me that I obviously didn't return.

Flynn was an...interesting person, pretty much the definition of a white boy. His skin was barely tan, and his brown mop of hair was messed up. His smile was his prominent feature, it was almost infectious. Almost.

Shane ran up and said, "Hate to ruin this beautiful moment here, but we're kind of RISKING OUR LIVES HERE!"

I smirked. "Don't worry, they're all gone. We can have some fun." The four of them heard me, and broke out in similar grins.

We all ran off in different directions in the crowd, so we didn't get in each other's way.

Shane had made his way to the back of the crowd, and didn't look like he wasn't having much trouble. There was a faint aura of light surrouning him, and the demons around him were cooked to a fine crisp.

Over to the right, Brooke was weaving in and out of the demons, like a ballerina. I could faintly hear sloshing and splashing from her general direction.

Kiri-Lee was over to my right, acting like an ape. She was hopping six feet in the air, and using her legs to kick demons into each other and knock them down. She wasn't killing them, more like she was crushing bones and cracking skulls.

Flynn, well... he followed me into the center of the crowd (why won't he leave me alone?) He was zooming around the field, almost like the ground was moving under him. As he traveled, he was impaling demons with his spear and shoving them into each other.

As for me, I was a complete savage. I was whipping through demons like a hurricane, the dust of fallen demons covering me like a blanket. I was a blur, going from one part of the battlefield to the next, slaughtering like it was my job (well, maybe it is...)

Eventally, the amount of demons started to thin, and it looked like we were going to win. Then our luck took a left at Albuquerque.

We hadn't noticed it before, but there was a small portal on the far wall where the demons came through. We noticed it now.

It grew 50 feet in height, and another swarm of demons poured through. Just as we were getting the upper hand... yeah, I dont't have anything.

A low growl came grom the portal, and we all took that as a sign that we should get to the door, as far away as possible.

"Kiri, you're the smart one, what do we do?" Shane almost shouted at her.

"How should I know? Ask your fearless leader instead!" Kiri-Lee yelled in response.

"Don't worry, I have a plan." I said, not making eye contact with them. As I kicked a demon lightning fast in the face and broke its neck, I opened up my pocket and pulled out a small parcel.

I threw it at Kiri-Lee and said, "Keep it safe. You know what to do."

"Oh no you aren't!" Brooke says as she grabs my arm.

"Do you have a better idea?! 'Cause I'm open to suggestions!" I said, turning around to face them.

Flynn came up really close to me and said, "The five us have to stay together. WE have to say together. I don't know what I'd do-"

"I do!" I said, pushing him away. "You're gonna get out of here right now! I'm in charge and you'll listen!"

They all fell silent for a while, still killing the demons around us, still watching the hole and its continuous growling.

Brooke finally spoke up, and said words of relief. "Fine, we'll go."

Flynn nearly broke out in tears. If I directly looked at him, I almost would've felt bad. Almost.

I opened the door just slightly, allowing them to slip through. Kiri-Lee had to restrain both of Flynn's arms to get him into the hallway on the other side.

Before the door closed, Brooke yelled, "Promise me you won't get yourself killed!" Then the door shut, and I was left alone, or as alone as I could get with hundreds of demons around me.

"Sorry, I'm gonna have to break that promise."

A&D Book 1: Amulets & Demons (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now