Chapter 9

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Jace's POV

"Rocks," Adrian fumed. "ROCKS?!" Adrian yelled. "You chased us through miles of woods for ROCKS?!?!"

"Calm down!" Flynn said, throwing his hands up. "These are not just some rocks, these are special, one-of-a-kind-"

"Rocks." Adrian blatantly replied. "These are one-of-a-kind rocks."

Honestly, they did look like rocks.

Inside the box were five stones, each looking near-identical to the others. Their appearance is kind of hard to explain, but I'll try my best.

So, imagine an oval. Now, imagine the oval was 3-d, almost like an egg. The oval is cut through the middle, on the long side.

The stone itself was a dark grey, with little grooves cut into the stone. It was near impossible to make out with the firelight, but each stone had a different color in the cuts. There was blue, brown, white, yellow, and red.

While I was looking at the rocks, I apparently missed most of the conversation. I knew this because when I looked up, Allani and Katilyn were holding Adrian back. He had a fork in his hand, and was trying to stab Flynn with it. Flynn was on the ground a few feet away, scrambling towards the woods on his hands and feet.

I quickly ran over to Adrian, and did my best to calm him down. He did after a few seconds, and I carefully took the fork from his hand.

I readjusted the box in my hands, and turned around to look at Flynn. "Why did you bring these to us?" I asked, showing him the box.

Flynn pulled himself up off the ground, and took much effort in brushing himself off.

After making sure that there was not a single grain of dust on him, he looked towards me and said, "Sensei wanted you to have these."

I reopened the box, and we stared at the suprising gift from Sensei.

"Is there anything else, or is just some weirdly shaped rocks?" Sarah asked confused.

"I swear, these. Are. Not. Rocks!" Flynn screamed. He took a long, deep breath. "This may be hard to understand, but these are Amulets."

"Aren't 'Amulets' supposed to have a chain?" Sarah questioned.

"Yes, Amulets should, but I like to call them that because it's a lot easier to say." Flynn replied.

"These Amulets have been passed down from generation to generation of warriors, who have all strived for the war between us and the demons to end. Now, that tradition as been passed down to you guys." Flynn finished.

"That's sweet and all, but what do these, 'Amulets' have to do with this?" Adrian asked, furrowing his brows.

"They..." Flynn said, struggling for words. He sighed. "They give you superpowers."

Almost immediately, everyone but Flynn and Katilyn started laughing. I guess you know why.

Katilyn, with much effort, was able to say, "That is preposterous! There is no such thing as superheroes, and there is no way these rocks give you superpowers! Watch," Katilyn said as she leaned into the box to grab the white stone.

"See? I am holding your 'Amulet'," She continued. "I am clearly not obtaining any of your-" Katilyn would have completed that sentence, but she was flung 15 feet in the air, and fell onto the cold, hard ground about ten feet away.

That pretty much shut up any remaining giggles we had. We all looked at Katilyn with worry, and then to Flynn with confusion, and then fear. Flynn just gave a look of innocence in return.

From behind us, Katilyn said, "It is okay, everyone. I'm alri-" Again, she would've completed the sentence, but she was flung into the air again. But this time, she hit a tree as she landed.

Once she hit the ground, I dropped the shoebox and went running over to where she fell. Once I got there, it seems she had sat herself up, and was mumbling to herself in a daze.

"This... this can't be possible... there was nothing th-th-there... how could that even h-happen..."

"Katilyn," I said. "Katilyn, are you okay? You might have a concussion, let me check..." The thought of physical contact must've been very alarming to her. She quickly regained focus, and scooted away from where I was.

"I am completely fine, Jace." Katilyn said with a scowl. She stood up and made her way over to where the others stood, watching. After a few seconds, I stared jogging after her.

She reached the others before me, and was like the Hoover Dam during San Andreas.


"Superpowers. That's what I said, right? Superpowers," Flynn stated. "And every. Single. One. Of you gets your own!" He finished, trying to sound like a car salesman.

"See? You all get one of them!" He said, gesturing to the open box on the ground. "Sarah, you get blue, Adrian, you get red, Allani, you get brown, my personal favorite," He passed out each Amulet as he said their names.

After he passed out the Amulets to the three of them, Flynn looked right at me and said, "You, Jace, you get the best one... YELLOW!!!1! It's all yours, buddy!"

He grabbed it out of the box, and I reluctantly took it from him. The second item made contact with me, a huge tingling sensation ran across my whole body. The mere feeling of it made me shudder. Man, that was weird.

Flynn chuckled and said, "Looks like it's working." I looked over at the others, and it looked like they were experiencing similar reactions. Except for Adrian.

"Adrian..." I almost whispered.

He looked up from his Amulet, and said, "What's up?"

"Your head's on fire."

He very slowly reached his hand up to touch his head, and started screaming. He started running around in circles, trying to fan the flames out.

Next to him, Allani started yelling as the dirt below him started to swallow him up, like quicksand.

"Why is this happening?!" He cried, lifting his head up to the heavens.

"Oh, I think I could tell you," I deep voice said from behind me, with a rumbling chuckle.

A&D Book 1: Amulets & Demons (Editing Slowly)Where stories live. Discover now