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Flutters pov

Me and my friends where headed towards a new festival the princesses where coming to I was so worried something would happen to them especially since I have recently had nightmares of...him...but my thoughts where interrupted my rainbow saying 'I bet this festival is gonna be awesome!' I put on a fake smile and nodded and rarity replied 'well rainbow dash darling you never know what could happen especially since know..' And I knew she was talking about how we once had checked on Discords statue and it crumbled to dust the minute twilight touched it! I was terrified of him... 'Oh don't worry about it fluttershy I'm sure it will be just fine' I looked down still terrified even as she comforted me but I heard twilight say 'we're here!' And I looked up and this time the princesses really outdid themselves it was amazing there was even a few strange machines we had borrowed from some...other kind of ponies..we don't talk about them...but it didn't stop the fact that it was amazing 'whoa! This is 20% cooler than the other ones even nightmare night!' Rainbow said as she flew off to probably look around and I heard pinkie bouncing up and down and I looked at her and saw she was starring at a Line of candy and she said 'ooo! A piece of candy!' And she started picking up the candy trail piece by piece and I looked around and saw everyone else had left which startled me and I let out a quiet shriek and bumped into someone and I heard them say 'hey! Watch where y-' the pony stopped mid sentence and looked at me he was a gray unicorn with a tornado cutie mark and his pupils where red but i got a sense of Deja vu over the sound of the stallions voice 'oh um..well sorry miss next time be careful' and he trotted off and his voice gave me chills but I just couldn't place the reason why...I heard a loud bang and shrieked again I saw it was one of those hit the target and make the bell ring things and I saw a extremely buff pony yell 'YEAH!!!' And I sighed and thought this isn't my place to be...And looked down I wanted to like it I did for my friends but I couldn't I was just too scared..too shy...and then I heard a strange sound and I looked around one of the corners and saw was that Luna? With her hooves on her head she was making strange noises and her voice kept Changing until she got up I hid behind the corner and heard hooves stomping and I heard the fade and I looked at where she was and walked to where she had stood and I saw hoof prints in the ground leading into a dark..scary tent it said 'house of horrors! (Closed for business)' and I took a deep breath and thought ok fluttershy you can do this just think what would rainbow do? And I looked into the darkness and thought go in fearlessly! And I took a deep breath and started walking into the dark and I said 'hello? Is anypony there?' I heard a cackle that was all to familiar I screamed but I wasn't loud enough to be heard and I tried running but the darkness was dragging me in and the voice said 'what Afraid of the dark?' And I felt my body get pulled into the darkness and I saw a dim light come towards me I felt blood rush to my head and I felt my body rise so my face met the light and I saw it brighten and it revealed her! Nightmare moon! And she laughed again but I couldn't talk it was like the darkness was stopping me from talking and she said 'oh how hilarious! We have the wimpy little Pegasus easy pickings..oh well I'll take whatever' and I felt my body drop on the ground I was honestly about to have a heart attack I was panicking she just smirked at me and said 'now hold still this'll only hurt a lot' and her horn lit up but it didn't illuminate the place but she turned into some dust thing and went straight at my face and entered my eyes and mouth and I coughed and I was crying then all the sudden the room to get darker yet darker the shadow cutting deeper until everything was nothing but darkness and I saw her eyes but I could move I could do anything and she laughed 'you are mine now! NO!!!' And then her eyes disappeared and a new pair replaced them they where yellow with red pupils and I heard the laugh I instantly let out a shriek that was lost in the darkness and I thought discord!

Twilights pov

'Hey rainbow have you seen fluttershy anywhere?' She looked down at me and said 'I thought she was with you!' And I started to get worried I couldn't find her anywhere we looked everywhere except the horror houses we knew fluttershy wouldn't go in but it was the only place we haven't looked in and rainbow said 'alright so what she's  probably found pinkie or something' I shook my head and said 'I don't think it would be that simple rainbow...' But all the sudden I saw pinkie appear In front of me I yelled and said 'pinkie what the-ooo! A Piece of candy' she interrupted and yelled out 'THANKS READERGUY!!!' 'Wait who's-I've said to much!' She interrupted again and fell on the floor and started moving away like a snake and she popped up multiple times on her way out and I looked at rainbow she had a smile and she had a bead of sweat on her forehead but she just sighed and said 'fine...ill search...' And she flew off extremely fast I was about to go after pinkie until I heard rainbow say 'I've checked everywhere except the haunted houses she's nowhere!' I looked back at her and said 'well try the horror house its abandoned maybe they forgot to put a new sign up and she thought it was something else?' And she nodded and said 'got it!' And she flew off and I followed because I had lost pinkie now and I saw her land there and she ran in and then she came out with wide eyes and said 'twilight here now..' She looked at me I said 'what?' 'Twilight here now...' And I hesitate before I walk in with her and I see nothing but darkness and I illuminated the place and I saw fluttershy on the ground and none other than nightmare moon and discord both there fighting toe to toe and I see discord pull a dirty trick and he turned one of nightmares legs into stone and discord said 'now let's get to business shall we...' He turned to me 'twilight?'

What will happen to fluttershy?

What did discord mean by that?

Will twilight be able to save her friend?


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