Nine ; Playing Games

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Niall Horan - June 12, 2013

 I drive very cautiously as I speed around corner, after corner, searching for the alleged killer. "Molly could be going mental, ya know?" Harry reminds me as I quickly turn to the right. It's getting quite dark outside and I have to turn on my headlights. "She very well could be. I just hope she's right about this killer." I sigh as we round yet another corner.

"Where is she even going?" I shrug as Molly comes to a jolting stop. I suddenly step on the brakes careful not to hit anything. Harry and I get out as I round my gun. "What's going on?!" Harry hisses as Molly's eyes go wide and she ducts behind a bush, pulling us with her.

"She knows we're here." She states pointing to a black figure walking around. The only thing that is visible besides the dimly lit streetlights around the figure, is her phone that she's staring at the screen. "I don't want to alarm you or anything... But I think that's Officer Shauna." 

I turn to her in a completely blank stare and think back on this whole case. 

When we went to go investigate the scene, Shauna wasn't there and every-time someone brought up a killer, Shauna hid in her office, probably pretending to be busy so she didn't have to feel the guilt that was slowly coming down on her like a pile of bricks. 

"Before we even accuse her of this, we need to go back to the office... Maybe she has key evidence in there locked away so we won't find her guilty." Harry whispers as I keep an eye on the figure tapping away on her phone. "Molly, you stay here and investigate while Doctor Styles and I try and look for anything that can link her to the murder."

She nods and whips out her phone, motioning us to the cars. We slowly creep into the car and hop in. Luckily we're only a street away so Shauna won't know that we're the ones behind the plan. I drive out of the street and onto a highway route that takes us back to the station.

"It's going to take at least 20 minutes to get back at this rate." Harry sighs staring ahead at the blocks of traffic. "Not on my watch," I smirk as I turn the police lights on and dodge stopped cars. "The perks of being in Law Enforcement." Harry jokes as I speed around everyone stopping and trying to see what's going on.

Technically, I'm not chasing a person down, I just needed a faster route to get back. It takes us about 10 minutes to get there and we run out. By the time we get to her office, we're panting and out of breath at the adrenaline that car ride caused. We get to her door and as I turn the doorknob, it doesn't budge.

My face falls from all of the excitement this evening and reality starts to kick in, She locked the damn door so we aren't able to get in. I mutter slight curses under my breath as Gretchen approaches us. Harry is sitting on the bench with his head in his hands loudly swearing as I'm just looking down at the ground.

"What's wrong?" Gretchen's small voice asks. I hold in all of my anger as I don't want to scare her more than I already have and I whisper, "We think Shauna killed Greg Moran... We need proof and she locked the door." "I have the k-keys to her o-office..." Harry's head jerks up and he slowly says, "Can we have them?"

Gretchen nods and rushes to her desk and back in like 5 seconds. Within a second, I am fumbling with the key slamming it into the keyhole and turning it to the left. I shove open her door and see the horror that appears next. There is a picture of Greg Moran and Molly Stones with a dart in between Molly's two eyes.

Gretchen stumbles back and Harry gasps, as well as I do. "Guys, you have about 10 minutes to look, Shauna told me she's on her way!" My pupils go wide as I dig around in her drawers and get everything I can find. "What'd you find, Harry?" I ask to Harry on the other side of the room. 

"I found this flash drive, but nothing else." "Take it, that could be key evidence." Harry finds an empty storage bag and drops it into the bag. I clean up her work-space like it was before when Gretchen comes in panicked. "Guys, she's stalled outside so hurry up!" Harry and I push things back the way they were set and look at a good job we did.

We rush out of her room as Gretchen turns off the lights and locks the door just as Shauna walks into the building. "I'm about to head back home." Shauna smiles at both Harry and I as we just sit there with a nervous look on our faces. "Alright, have fun." Gretchen smiles as Shauna unlocks her office door.

Harry and I wait until she's gone before deciding on rushing to our desks. "Where's Molly?" Harry asks. "Ya know what... She hasn't come back?" I say looking at my phone clock. It's 9:36PM, where are you?

Molly Stones - June 12, 2013 - 9:37PM

I didn't know where I was, or how I got here. All I know is that I want out. What I'm in is like a jail cell, by itself. I see the tall figure walk up to my cell and smirk wildly as they flick on the lights. "Hello there, Molly." Shauna's faint voice appears as I try and stand up.

"W-What do you want from me?!" I yell at the top of my lungs struggling to my feet. "Yelling won't help. We're in the middle of nowhere and no one can hear, except me." "What do you want?!" I repeat this time quieter stepping towards the bars. "Stay away from my case. I don't need them finding out I accidentally murdered your precious Greg."

"What do you mean accidentally?" I ask completely confused. "It was you that I wanted to kill." She says walking away from me as I stand there dumbfounded.


Wow shit just got rEAL! Anywhoo... I just wanted to say, I'm terribly sorry that I haven't been updating as much. School has taken over me plus I have dentist appointments and I'm supposed to be getting my braces on Wednesday, I have to Cheer on Tuesday, I have a test tomorrow, plus I have this math tutorial thing so everything is really hectic :) 

Hope this will suffice for now o:



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