1- Sent

36 0 0

Text message:

Me: hey, how much for ur new slave? And is she hot?

I chuckle to myself, about the message I just sent to the random person. I set my phone down and look out of the window. My bedroom door open and I look up to see a nurse in the doorway.

"You ready for your scan?" She asks and I stand up with a nod.

I place my phone on the counter and run my hand through my extremely short hair.

"Can I sleep through it?" I ask and the nurse laughs.


Ah yes, the highlight of my day.

I walk back into my hospital room and close the door. I grab my phone and walk to my bed before sitting down. I scroll through a couple dozen texts but one catches my eye.
Text Message:

Unknown: 200 pounds and extremely.

I stare at the text, stunned.

This person isn't being for real are they?
Text message:

Me: uhh, i was jk

Unknown: me too.

Unknown: how'd u get this number?

Me: I just typed in some random numbers and hoped it'd go through tbh

Unknown: Bull. Who is this?

Me: I'm being fr. Idk who this is, I jus kinda texted a random numbr

Unknown: rightttt

Unknown: wait this number is from the states.

Me: ya

Unknown: so u really aren't a friend playing a prank.

Me: nope

Unknown: oh

Me: ya

Me: sorry for the prank, I was bored.

Unknown: lol its okay

Me: okie

Unknown: welllll

Unknown: how r u?

Me: ur asking a stranger how they r?

Unknown: yup

Unknown: is that weird?

Me: nope. :)

Unknown: alrighty.

Me: I have to go to bed. Sorry ab the prank

Unknown: its okay . good night

Unknown: wait b4 u gtg, what's ur name?

Me: Lily

Me: hbu?

Unknown: Harry :)

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