8- a package

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"Lily.... Lillian Greer, get your ass up."

I open my eyes to find my mom hovering over me.

"What do you want?" I mumble as I roll over.

"There's a package downstairs for you."

I sit up. "A package?"

"Yeah it has your name on it."

"Who's it from?" I ask and she shrugs.

"It didn't have any info except a billing address on it and your name." She replies and I climb out of bed.

We both walk downstairs to the kitchen where a large brown box sits on the table. I walk up to it and start tearing at the tape and soon it opens.

On the top is a piece of paper and so I grab it and read it.

Dear Lily,
        I hope you like this. Its a mixture of band merch and just random stuff I thought you'd like. So enjoy :)
                                  H, xxxx

I stare at the card as my mom grabs the box and starts looking through it.

"Umm Lily."

I look up at her to see she's holding up a asking Alexandria shirt. I gasp and drop the letter before rushing to the box. There's at least ten band Tees, a plastic baggie full of baggies that contain band bracelets. I pull out a blanket with Melanie Martinez on it and I squeal.

"Look at this." My mum holds up a large pink stuffed animal puppy and I smile before putting it under my arm as I continue to look through the box.

I find a few loose items like a single necklace in a baggie and a pair of colorful weed socks and I smile.

"Who got you all of this stuff?" My mom asks as she picks up the letter.

"A friend." I reply with a smile.

"Well whoever your friend is is going to be my friend because hot damn." She says and I look at her.

"Umm how about no."

She smiles and shrugs. "It was worth a try."

The doorbell rings and my mom and I exchange looks before both of us go running for the door. She gets there first and she throws open the door before huffing.

"Its just Josiah." She grumbles and she walks away.

"Well, that was nice." Josiah chuckles as he walks in. "He looks me up and down, raising a brow. "You look like you just woke up."

"I did like ten minutes ago."


"Yeah why?"

"Its one in the afternoon. You really weren't feeling good last night were you?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I feel better now though." I tell him and he nods.

"Well Asia and Matt will be over later, they had to stop at their houses." He tells me and I nod.

Josiah follows me to the kitchen and I grab my box of stuff before going upstairs with it.

"What's in the box?" Josiah asks as he follows me up the stairs.

"Band merch that a friend got me." I reply.



"Ah. I see." He chuckles as we turn into my bedroom.

I set the box down on the pull out couch as Josiah goes straight for my lap top that's on my floor in front of the tv and couch. I grab my phone off my bed and sit down on the couch behind Josiah. I turn on the tv and put on Pandora before looking down at my phone.

Text message:

Me: I got the box

Harry: did u like it?

Me: I didn't like it

Harry: u loved it?


Harry: Lol I hope u would

Me: u didn't hav to get me all that stuff

Harry: I wanted to

Me: why tho

Harry: bc idk

Harry: I get friends nice stuff

Me: so we're friends now?

Harry: I thot we were this whole time?!

Me: Lmao nope. Im just using u for fame

Harry: ur an asshole

Me: I like anal for a reason


Me: Lmaoo im jk

Harry: u better be!

Harry: That was horrid

Me: Lol sorry not sorrt

Me: Sorry*

Harry: ugh

Harry: anyways, ive been meaning to ask u

Harry: I need a picture of u

Me: why

Harry: bc I want to show u to my friends

Me: ? ok

Harry: plz

Me: fine

Me: hold on

Harry: thnx

Me: (Attached Image)

Harry: whoa

Me: ik I look like a hairless cat.

Harry: no!

Harry: ur beautiful

Me: aweh thanks kiddo

Harry: ....

Harry: im older than u?

Me: do u think I care?

Harry: lol ig not

Harry: hey so I hav to go, I hav to go to the studio and look at some stuff

Me: okay :3

Harry: bye Lily,

Harry: ur beautiful

Harry: ttyl xxx

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