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Two weeks have past since Delsin's party and Fetch is about to get a BIG surprice.


As I open my eyes,all that I see is green. I rushed to the bathroom and throw up last night's dinner.I do my best to fight the nausea,and not to wake Delsin. I don't want him getting worried about me, becomes I'll never heard the end of it. Once I was sure that I was done throwing up, I cleaned the mess I had made.

I tip-toed out of the bathroom and into the living room. I grabbed my phone and pressed the power button, the screen read 5:59 A.M., I type in the password and open my period tracker. NO! NO! This can't be right, I should have already got my period a week ago! When in minutes I was out the door rushing to the corner store. Good their open. I walk in and grab at least 20 pregnancy test." Expecting a little buddle of joy are we?" The lady at the cash register looked me in the eye."I uh..."She understood." Well let's hope for the best.That'll be 20.72, please." I hand her the money, she hands me my change and I left.Rushing back to the apartment quitly make my way to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I rip open the first one.Postive.I try another.Postvie.Another.Postive.Another.Postive.All 20 pregnantcy test read postive. I have to face it I'm pregnant.How I am I going to tell Delsin? He said that he didn't want any kids. What if he leaves me because I'm pregnant?! No!He would never abanded me...right?"Fetch? You in there?"Oh good God!" Uh....J-just a minute!"I grabbed all the pregnancy test and shove them in the bag."Fetch? Are you ok?" I rush to the door and unlock it, opening the door. Delsin look at me with consirn."Are you ok?" He asked."Y-yeah.J-just uh...didn't feel good. But, I feel better now."I lied walking away."Ok?"

Ten minutes go by and I so nearvous that I'm shaking. I was a 100% sure I got rid of all the pregnancy test. Delsin walks in into the living room and he didn't look happy.Uh oh, I'm so busted. I start to cry a bit but not so much that he notices, turn my head away from him."Fetch!"I brust into tears,I get up and neon my way out the open window. I knewn he was following me. Once I was sure I had lost him,I stop on the top of the news building.I felt something grab me and pull me back.It was Delsin. I started to cry my eyes out."Why did you run?" We were out breath"I didn't you to mad be at me."

"Mad at you?Why would I be mad at you?"

I stayed silent. I couldn't tell him.

"Now, let's go home. We got lot to talk about." I followed."Yeah. We do."

Once we got back to the apartment he cooked some breakfast. "Delsin we need to talk" I said doing my best to sound calmly as I could." OK. What is it you want to talk about."

"Why were you upset this morning?"

" Some conduit killed a two innocent children last night."


" What I want to know is why you ran away from me this morning."

"I-i'll tell you but promise you won't get upset."

"I promise I won't get upset."

"I'm pregnant." He just stared at me."Y-your pr-pregnant." His voice cracked.
"I can get rid of i-" "LIKE HELL YOU CAN!" He yelled,this took me be surprise because he never talked to women like that before." That's my baby too, Fetch. And I'd be d**m if I let you end it's life before it even begins!" He meant it ."Jeuse! Del, I was just suggesting it." He glared at me." We're keeping it." He said."Where is it going to sleep?This apartment isn't that big!" It really only had two had rooms: Me & Delsin's room and his art studio." I have a place not to far from Seattle that over looks the city. We'll stay there." Who does he think he is! Don't I get a say so?!" Fine! It's not like I have any say so it in my baby's live anyway!" I stormed off to the bedroom." Fetch! That's not what I meant -" I slammed the door in his face. "Fetch?" I really didn't want to talk to him not after that!" Abby." What the hell did he just call me! I swung the door open, ready to blast his face off."Don'" I growled." Fetch,please listen.Every single conduit knows where we live and I won't be able to live with my self knowing I let something happen to you OR that baby." He walked towards me, he had the same sad look in his eyes on his birthday."Del. I love more than anything,but I can take care of my self. But if it will make you happy, I'll THINK about moving into that place." He grinned." Thank you."

There Always A Friend ( Infamous Second Second-son Delsin/ Fetch)Where stories live. Discover now