Chapter 8: The Demon

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Juvia's P.O.V:

Geez.. this blondette is beautiful.. Juvia isn't even comparable to her looks. Juvia sighs and buries her head in her folded hands against the desk;

Once the blondette entered the classroom, every boy in the classroom formed heart-shaped eyes and romantically tried to flirt with her during English. She hears boys screaming and laughing.. maybe they're trying to look impressive in front of her.

"Lucy-san...? Hm.. Juvia is going to be forever alone.. eh" Juvia mumbled against her sleeves as she was playing with her pen dully.

Lucy-san politely smiled towards the boys and managed to give out a wave. The boys fainted, of course.

Lucy's P.O.V:

"Ahah.. Thank you..eheh.." I broke an awkward smile with a boy. He gave me a couple of origami hearts he just made.

Mrs. Connell is really nice considering she let me go of being late just for today. Also, she isn't expecting any work from us today; she's allowing us as students to be familiar with others, y'anno? But these bo-!

"Lucy-Chan! I love your face~" a boy yelled across the room

"EH?" I frantically looked across the room

"Oooh, Lucy-sama~ I love your bow~" another cooed

"EHH??" I keep looking around swiftly. I'm overwhelmed! I can't help it but the thoughts of being surrounded by damn love-sick boys! Agh! They're all like babies wanting candy!

I was about to explode and ruin my "innocent" appearance until I saw a way out of this. This girl.. she's sitting all by herself.. the bluenette from before?

"E-Excuse me.. but I have to g-"

"Lucyyy-Samaa.. Don't leave us" a boy pouted and grabbed Lucy's arm and tried to pull her back into her seat next to him.

"AH! BAKA! LET GO OF ME!" I grabbed my backpack and slapped it against his face and ran to the bluenette, "Tch. Baka" I carelessly, nonchalantly flipped my pony-tail back.

"L-Lu-c-cy.. Sama" he gently touched his forehead, "S-smacked me. Senpai noticed me" and blushed.

The boys let a cheer for that forehead-smacked boy, as if they won a war, "Aaaa!".


Juvia's P.O.V:

Juvia hears someone approaching her so she tries to look her best, just in case it's a guy. Girls need to look organized and neat in front of guys she thought.

She looks to the side and notices the blondette coming towards her, seeking for a conversation.

The blondette grabs a seat, and sets her stuff down again since she moved where the majority of the people were in the class.

"O-oi.. Sorry for leaving you before for others.. I don't know who you are, but you seem really nice" she looked away as a tint of light pink formed on her cheeks and scratched the back of her head

"Ehh? It's okay Juvia is fine being alone. She's always been that.. for almost her entire life.." Juvia whispered the last part.

NOTE: I promised you guys something !! This isn't a finished chapter . But I couldn't just not post anything.. T ~ T. I'll update you all when I update this chapter and complete it!! :3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2016 ⏰

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