Chapter 1

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The alarm clock blares.

"Just get me out of here."

He slowly moves his arm over the large red button and slams it. The room is full of silence besides the small chirps from birds and whizzing of cars.

"Please let me sleep. I don't want to go."

The door to the room slams open as loud dubstep pours in though the speakers being held on the intruders shoulders.


He groans and clumsy reaches for his sun glasses. Finding them, he then places them on his face and glares at the intruder.

The young man then signs. "What the fuck bro?"

His brother raises an eye brow over his own shades.

He turns off the music as he says. "Get up school starts in 45 minutes and I refuse to let you AND myself be late."

The young man groans as he starts to sit up. He swings his legs off the bed and stands. As he walks to the door his blankets tangle and he not so gracefully falls on his face. He starts to get up as his brother laughs hysterically. He finishes walking to the door pushes his annoying younger brother out of the room and slams the door.

"Annoying little shit."

He makes his way to the closest and picks out his clothes. Thanksgiving break was over and honestly it was cold as fuck out there. So he grabs his favorite orange sweater, with a black outline of a hat, and some black worn out skinny jeans. After getting changed he heads for the bathroom only to be greeted by his younger brother.

"Dave, so help me, move or I'm going to hop back into bed and your ass can freeze walking to school." He signs.

Dave moves out of the his way and heads down the stairs to most likely eat. He sighs and walks into the bathroom to do his hair.


He drops off Dave by the front of the school.

"See ya later Dirk." He shouts as he walks away.

Dirk only nods and heads to the back of the school to park his car. He pulls into his parking spot and gets out grabbing his bag and locking the doors.

"Look what we have here? Are you new?"

Dirk looks up from his car and spots some guys surrounding someone. He freezes when he sees one grab the kid by his dark hair and starts dragging him to the dumpsters.

"You're gunna learn to answer when people ask you a question." The guy growls through his clinched teeth.

"I...I'm s-sorry please." The guy yelps as the bully pushes him to the asphalt.

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