TogetherShe felt heavy. Like invisible straps were pinning her down. Something soft seemed to be covering her from her chest down. Am I dead? She wondered vaguely. She could hear voices, but they were too soft to made out the words. She was suddenly aware that someone was holding her hand.
She tried to open her eyes, but couldn't. She tried to speak, but only a faint grunt emerged from her lips.She felt someone's grasp on her hand tighten.
"Lily?"Again, she tried to open her eyes and this time she succeeded. At first she could only make out blurry shapes but after blinking a few times, she saw someone who she thought she would never see again.
"James?" she whispered.
"Yeah,"Tears began to fill her eyes.
"I - I though y - " but James put a finger to her lips before he reassured her .
"I almost was," he said softly.
"But I heard - I heard Voldemort cast a killing curse on you,"
"He did, but I dodged it. Instead, it hit the wall, which collapsed and landed on me. The Healers only released me last week."
"What day is it?"
"November 16,"
"So I've been here for two weeks?"
"Two weeks and two days, actually,"
"Harry...Where's Harry?" she asked urgently as she tried to sit up.But James moved from his chair to the edge of her bed as gently put his hands on her shoulders to hold her back.
"He's fine. He's been with Sirius since the night we were attacked."
"What about our house?"
"Nearly totally destroyed. Like I said, Harry's been at Sirius's since the attack and I've been there since my release."
They were silent for a few minutes before Lily asked, "So Harry didn't have to be hospitalized?"
"No," even James sounded amazed,
"Sirius said the Healers checked him over, but he was fine...He just has a lightning bolt scar on his forehead, but other than that, they said he's perfectly healthy.""So our son is the only one to have ever survived the Killing Curse?"
"Yeah, you should read the papers. 'The Boy Who Lived', they're calling him. Hundreds of people have been gathering outside the hospital, hoping to see him...and us. Their hasn't been a day that's passed since the attack that we haven't been on the front page of The Daily Prophet. And still, nobody knows how Harry survived..."
Lily tried to remember what had happened...She remembered Voldemort using the Cruciatus Curse on her...she remembered being stabbed with the dagger, and how Voldemort had said she would watch her son die...but she couldn't remember anything after that.
"So is Voldemort gone? For good?"
"That is an extremely difficult question to answer," came a new voice.James and Lily turned around to see none other than Albus Dumbledore walking across the ward in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.
"How are you feeling, Lily?" he continued kindly.
Dumbledore smiled slightly as he drew up a chair from midair.
"Now as to your question...Is Voldemort gone for good? The majority of the wizarding population thinks that young Harry has brought a permanent end to Voldemort's reign of terror and that he is dead.

Living The Destiny's Path
Fanfiction________ "It's Voldemort, isn't it?" Lily said, her voice shaking. "Who else could it be?" "But who could have done it under Dumbledore's - and Moody's - noses?" James raised his eyebrows. _________ Don't we all believe in "What if's" ? "What if L...