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Dearest Mum and Dad,

Sorry I haven't had time to write before now - the first week has been really busy. You probably already now, but I made it into Gryffindor!

You guys thought Neville Longbottom would be in Gryffindor, too - and he is. He spent most of the time on the train looking for his toad, Trevor. I had a compartment to myself for a while, but then Ron Weasley came in. He's in Gryffindor, too.The opening feast was great, but something weird happened.

When we finished eating, I was looking up at the staff table, trying to figure out some of the teachers that you had talked about. I locked eyes with the Potion's teacher, Professor Snape, and my scar felt like it was on fire.

But the pain left as fast as it came.And speaking of Snape - I really don't think he likes me. When he was taking role, he called me "our new celebrity," and that was before I even said one word!

One on Ron's older brother's said that Snape really favors his own house - Slytherin - but I think he really hates me.I'd better go, Ron and I are going down to Hagrid's for tea.

- HarryP.S. Mum, how was your first day back at St. Mungo's?


Dear Harry,

I'm really glad to hear that your first week went well. And about Professor Snape...I'm not surprised that he would do that to you, of all Gryffindors.

Me, your Dad, Sirius and Remus were all in Gryffindor, while Severus Snape was in Slytherin. And to be perfectly frank, they never got along.

I think your Dad told me that it all started in there first year - they got into an argument or something, and their anger escalated into a feud that is still waging to this very day.

As a matter of fact, most of my life as a perfect was spent making sure that James, Sirius, and Severus never killed each other. The only reason why Severus may not like you is because he doesn't like your father.

Just try not to give him any reason to punish you - and stand clear when possible.Anyway, everything had been going pretty smooth at St. Mungo's. It took a few days to get readjusted to everything again, but I haven't been a practicing Healer for over eleven years.

Dad and I miss you very much and hope your having a good time. Oh, and Sirius says 'Hello' too.


Dear Dad,

I need to ask you and Mum a big, big favor. But first, you are never going to believe what just happened. We had our first flying lessons today, and this kid from Slytherin - Draco Malfoy - stole Neville's Remembrall after he broke his wrist from falling off his broom.

Malfoy said he was going throw it up a tree and flew off on his broom. I went after him and he threw the Remembrall in the air. So I went into a dive and actually caught it!

But McGonagall saw me and took me inside - I thought I was going to be expelled. But then we when to Flitwick's room and she pulled out Oliver Wood, Gryffindor's Quidditch Captain and said that I should be the Seeker!

She talked to Dumbledore and said that they would bend the whole first-years-aren't-aloud-a-broom rule so I could be on the team.So, here's what I need to ask you...Could you and Mum get me a broom stick so I can play Quidditch?

I'd be the youngest Seeker in over a century! Please, I don't care what kind of broom and you don't even have to get me anything for Christmas.Thanks,

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