Quidditch world cup

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The alarm was buzzing.

She pulled the covers over her head, but that didn't stop that horrid noise. She flung her arm out to try and turn it off. Finally, she found the alarm, but it wouldn't turn off!

Her hand picked up the alarm and threw it to the ground. Finally, it was silenced.

Then, they heard someone call from downstairs,

"Hey, Potters! Get yourselfs up! We've got to get to the World Cup!"Lily groaned.

"How in the hell is it that Sirius - of all people - can get up at four o'clock in the morning? I've known him for who knows how many years and I've never seen him up this early before," she grumbled as she dragged herself out of bed.

Ten minutes later, Lily and James were downstairs having a cup of coffee with Sirius when Harry finally came down too.

After a quick breakfast, they Flooed to the Weasley's to pick up Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and Ginny. Bill, Charlie, and Percy, the only three fully qualified wizards of the Weasley children, would meet them at the camp site in a few hours.

From the Weasley's home, all nine of them began their hike to the spot where they were suppose to find the portkey.

"Alright, everyone, spread out and start looking," said Lily as everyone began to look for the portkey, all looking as though they would fall over in a dead sleep at any moment.

"Over here Cedric, I've found it!" called a voice from the other side of a hill. They all turned to see Amos Diggory, who Lily knew worked at the Ministry, holding a moldy old boot, followed by a handsome boy of about seventeen.

"Hi, Amos," said James as he shook his hand.

"Everyone, this is Amos Diggory, and his son, Cedric, who you know." They all said hello, and while Amos did not dare comment in front of Lily and James, she noticed that Amos's eyes kept lingering on Harry's scar.

Sirius glanced at his watch and said,

"Hey, it's nearly time, we'd better grab on." With a bit of difficulty because of the bulking backpacks, they all managed to touch part of the portkey just as it was activated. With a sudden jerk from behind her navel, Lily was pulled forward through swirling colors and howling wind.

Soon enough, her feet slammed on the ground. Once she gained her balance, she helped Harry and Ron off of the ground before they all headed toward the campsite. Lily helped Amos with the Muggle money before they set off to their respective campsites

. They spent a good hour trying to set up the tent, mostly because James and Sirius were more of a bother than a help. But by the time Bill, Charlie, and Percy showed up, the tent was ready. While it may have looked like nothing miraculous, the inside was like a large apartment, with plenty of room for all of them.

But the rest of the day was rather boring. They spent the remainder of a perfectly great summer's day talking to various members of the Ministry that came by.

Once the kids, and James and Sirius, had bought their various souvenirs it was time to start heading towards there seats. Of course, we just had to be at the very top, Lily thought bitterly as she climbed what felt like the millionth stair.

Finally, they were there - the Top Box. Lily thankfully sat down in her chair as she looked around the brilliant gold stadium. It was slowly filling with thousands of people, sporting either green for Ireland or maroon for Bulgaria.

Then Lily realized who had come into the box. It was Cornelius Fudge, along with who appeared to be the Bulgarian Minister of Magic. Fudge seemed flustered because he was trying to tell the other Minister something, but he didn't seem to understand a word of English. However, it wasn't long before Fudge spotted them.

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