Breaking News

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  Tap, tap, tap.

She turned to her other side, ignoring the noise, flinging her arm around her husband's torso. He groaned.

Tap, tap, tap.

"James," she said groggily. "Let that owl in, will ya?"

"No," he replied stubbornly as he pulled the covers over his head.

Tap, tap, tap.

"Please." she nearly begged. "I'll make pancakes for breakfast today!."

Lily could practically see the wheels turning in his head. James sighed, threw the covers off, opened the window, took the paper from the owl and tossed it on the floor without even bothering to read the front page.

They didn't hear anyone Apparated into they're kitchen, or run up the stairs. But they did hear the knocking on their bedroom door.

"Go away!" James said as he threw the covers back on himself.

  "This is important!" Sirius called though the door. "Haven't you seen the Daily Prophet today?"

James sighed. Lily tilted his head so their eyes met and said, "The sooner you look at the paper, the sooner he leaves."

Yet again, James got out of bed to get the paper. He unfolded it, obstructing Lily's view of his face. She leaned on her elbow, waiting for James to throw the paper aside and tell Sirius to get the hell out of here.

But instead, James said, "We'll meet you at Headquarters in fifteen minutes."

Sirius Disapparated.

"We will?" Lily asked disappointedly.

James turned the paper so Lily could see the front page.


                                                                       Mass Breakout From Azkaban


Nearly a month had passed since the ten Death Eaters had escaped Azkaban. The Order had held an emergency meeting and Albus had done his best to reassure everyone that while Voldemort was still not out in the open, there was a very low possibility that there would be an attack. This seemed to ease them, but Lily was still cautious – during the last war, attacks happened at the least likely of moments.

James and Lily were actually at there own house instead at Grimmauld Place, they had just finished breakfast when an owl swooped into the kitchen, dropped a rolled up magazine onto the counter, and flew away.

James was the first to get to it. His eyes widened as he smiled. "You have got to be kidding me.

"What is it?" Lily asked as she moved to see the magazine.

It was an issue of The Quibbler, with Harry's face grinning sheepishly up at them from the front cover. In large red letters across his picture were the words:




They quickly flipped to the article and read. It was very close to what Harry had told them shortly after he returned from the graveyard last summer. Once they finished, Lily wasn't sure if this was a good or bad.

"Of course this is good." James said enthusiastically. "Now everyone can hear our side of the story instead of that rubbish the Ministry and the Daily Prophet has been publishing."

"But it's in The Quibbler." Lily countered. "It's not exactly the most accurate form of journalism. I mean, look what else is in here...recent sightings of the Crumple–Horned Snorkacks. Not to mention, Rita Skeeter was the one who wrote interviewed him."

"No one had a bit of trouble believing her last year when she wrote all those lies about him."

Lily sighed. "I wish we could at least write to Harry. But that toad is reading all of his mail. Do you think that she'd get him in trouble, do you?"

"All she could do is give him a detention or something. The only person that could expel Harry would be Dumbledore, and he's not about to do that."

Lily nodded. "Watch, Fudge'll probably pass yet another Educational Decree that specifically says Umbridge has the power to expel students who give interviews to The Quibbler." Lily rung her hands together. "I could just strangle that blithering baboon!"

Lily sighed. "Things are only going to get worse."

He nodded in agreement"I really hate it when you're right."

A/N: Sorry this chapter is small< will try publishing another part today....





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