Chapter Two:

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Ashley's POV-

I woke up gasping for air in the middle of the night. I got out of my bed to look in the mirror, I looked so pale and felt like I was going to throw up. Why was I feeling like this? Was it the sushi I ate yesterday? Then all of a sudden I remembered what was happening tonight.

I totally forgot tonight was the full moon, I knew something was happening today, I just didn't know what. I don't know why I didn't sense it with my so called "werewolf" powers as my friend Savanna likes to say.

I begin pacing back and forth in the kitchen quietly so I don't wake up my dad, but by the sound of his heartbeat I could tell that he was already awake.

I awkwardly opened my fridge so I looked like I was hungry while my dad walked down the stairs.

"Are you okay? You look like you're about to throw up!" My dad said with a bit of worry in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit hungry, that's all." I said really fast.

My dad knew something was  up, he walked closer to me and said "There is nothing in the fridge, so I don't know why you're looking.."

"It's just a habit I guess" I said without thinking.

I knew at any second I was going to transform, I need to get out of here quick.

"Well I'm gonna go back to bed then, see you later!" I said walking fast into my bedroom.

I heard my dad walk back into his room and lay down on his bed. After five minutes I heard his heartbeat slow down so I knew he was asleep. I opened my window carefully and put one leg out and then the other. I didn't bother to even put on a jacket.

I started to transform, my fingernails turned into claws, my ears were pointy, my face turned flat,  my eyes turned bright red, and my canines grew in. Before I knew it I howled to the moon and started running into the forest. The wind was blowing in my face and the trees looked blurry as I ran by them. Then I realized that I had no idea where I was going and I stopped myself. I felt like I knew where I was even though I've never been here before. I smelled burned wood from a distance and began walking towards this burnt down house. As I'm walking towards the house I saw two red glowing eyes on the steps of the house. I'm guessing it was his property because he growled when I was walking closer to the house.

Before I knew it, I got punched in the lower abdomen, knocking the air out of my lungs. I was grabbed by my throat and was thrown onto the floor. Why were my reflexes not kicking in? I felt weak, I usually don't feel like this.

I shifted back into my human form and with the little strength I had left, I managed to get up and rest my back on a tree nearby. My vision was blurry, I still managed to see the figure walk closer to me.

"What are you doing here? This private property." He said

My face turned to the floor and I remained silent.

"You're not from here, are you?"

I lied and shook my head and adjusted myself on the tree. The figure took his hand and placed it on my chin to lift my head up. He stared at me for a awhile, he looked like he was trying to look for something.

"You're a McCall, huh?"

"How do you know? I haven't been here in years!"

"You don't remember me, do you? I was the one who saved your ass from the Argents! You would of been dead if it wasn't for me!" He said in a angry tone.

I started to think, I couldn't remember what he was talking about. I looked into his green eyes, could this be Derek Hale?

"Derek?" I stuttered

"Took you long enough!" He chuckled.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to come here."

"Yeah, i'm sorry for attacking you, I didn't know who it was."

I rubbed my neck, it still ached from when he grabbed me. I was healing slowly, which was odd. I regained my strength and I started walking away from Derek.

As I was walking he grabbed the back of my shirt and pinned me back on the tree that I was resting on earlier.

"You're an alpha now? How long is it gonna take for Deucalion and his little 'pack' to find out you're back? You are more than welcome to take your ass back to where you came from!" Derek said loudly.

I clenched my fist and punched him in his jaw with all my strength. He fell onto the floor, and flinched from the pain.

"I'll be back tomorrow, we can finish this once and fore all." I said laughing as I was walking away from him.

I hurried back to my house and jumped back into my window to get in my room. My clothes were filthy, I slipped them off and put on a tee shirt and pants. I grabbed my phone and called my friend Savanna. The phone ringed about five times, followed by her voice mail. I left a message telling her to call back as soon as possible. 

I put my phone on my nightstand and laid down on my bed. How did Derek know about what Deucalion did to me? Well, in a small town news travels quickly. The only thing that happened was that he turned me and wanted me to kill Ethan and Aiden, I don't have a heart to kill innocent people. After me refusing me to kill them, Deucalion wanted to kill me himself, I had no choice but to run away from him. Eventually, my dad and I moved away. Now we are back, I want to keep my returning a secret, hopefully Derek doesn't say anything to anybody. I have to find Scott soon, and that is the first thing I have to tell him. I get nervous just thinking about his reaction.

I grabbed my phone and started playing games and checking my social apps until I got tired. After a few hours on my phone, I eventually fell asleep. I started dreaming about what happened to the Hale house, and how Derek and I were best friends. I missed the friendship we had.

Derek's POV-

I felt bad for attacking Ashley, I didn't know who it was. There have been a lot a trespassers on the property lately, so my first instinct was to attack. What was she doing back in Beacon Hills? If Deucalion finds out she's back, it's not going to end well. I wont tell anyone that she's back because I don't want to expose her like that. I missed her a lot when she was gone. She was the only one there for me when no one else was.. Seems just like yesterday we were at the coffee shop a mile away from here. That was when I first met her. When you're around someone for so long, you start to develop feelings. When she left, it felt like a chunk of my heart was ripped out. My life was empty..  I can't believe she was gone for four years.

Four years to become an alpha? How? I know she's not the type to kill, so how is she an alpha? Is she like her brother? I know Scott is a true alpha, but true alphas rarely occur. She said she was coming back tomorrow, so i'll ask her then.

I heard footsteps coming from behind me, I looked back and it was my uncle Peter walking towards me. 

"What was that? A cat fight?" He chuckled.

"Do you even know who that was?" I said in a serious tone.

"Another clueless omega?" 

"It was an alpha first of all, and it was Ashley McCall."

"Ashley? I thought she was gone! Not that i'm worried about her or anything, but how did she become an alpha and does Scott know she's here?" He said 

He was obviously worried about her. His voice was shaking and his heart sounded like it was going to come out of his chest.

"Calm down, she'll be here tomorrow. Ask her whatever you need." I said as I walked past him to enter the house.

He followed behind me and sat down on a stool we had next to the window. He stared aimlessly outside. I knew why he was worried. If Deucalion finds out she is back, he is going to rip her into shreds. 

I said bye to my uncle and went to my apartment for me to rest. I had a long day ahead of me tomorrow and I needed some rest. Lets see what tomorrow with hold..

(A/N- Hey! Long chapter, sorry. I just like writing. This chapter is still kinda boring, it will get better I promise! See you soon!)

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