I Met Chucky

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Today is the 6th day of training. The day after tomorrow, we go to Tokyo for the Interhigh. I hope we still make it out alive.(=^=)

Oh by the way, my mom has always been a fan of basketball. Because of her love for it, she became the manager of my dad's team. That time, my dad was the captain. The captain always calls the manager everyday for reports and I guess they fell for each other along the way.

Mom's a genius when it comes to making the perfect training menus. I had a different training from the others because I'm a girl but my training was harsher than the guys.

"AHHHHHHHHH!! HELP MEEEEE! QwQ" I cried for help while the others only laughed at me while doing their own menus.


It was around 10 PM and the others were already in their rooms. Chihiro-senpai and Reo-nee were together, while Nebuya-senpai shared with Hayama-senpai. As for Akashi who owns the house, he got his own room. Mom and I shared my room.

Anyway, it was around 10 PM. I was hungry so I tried baking some cookies. "Smells good" I thought. When it was done. I brought a whole plate of it and went to the balcony on the 2nd floor, sat on the couch and ate my cookies.

I imagined my mom's reaction if she saw me eating cookies "AYUKAWA AI!!! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO MANAGE YOUR DIET?!" Since she knew I was going to play for the team, she suddenly became too enthusiastic.

*ring* *ring*

Someone's still up at this time? I read the name "Hasegawa Ryu"

A: Hello?

H: Ah! Ayakawa?

A: Hasegawa-kun? What makes you call at a time like this? *eating cookies*

H: Oh sorry. Did I wake you? Did I disturb something?

A: No, it's okay. Your timing was good. I was looking for someone to talk to.

H: *laughs* Great. Anyway, how's the trip?

A: =___= Urg. We're really struggling. I just discovered that mom becomes a Sparta when it comes to training.

H: Mom? How come your mom's there.

A: *Just realized what I said* A-ah no. I mean the adviser! We call her mom. *laughs awkwardly.

H: Oh. Just do your best! I know your team can do it. Especially now that they have you as a manager. They're really lucky.

A: Hahahahah! R-really?

H: Yeah. *something is noisy in the background* I really hate to end this but I need to go.

A: No, it's okay. I'll see you when I see you then. Goodnight.

H: Y-yeah. Goodnight.

*call ended*

I looked at the plate I was holding. There were about a dozen cookies left. I stood from my seat and I passed through Hayama-senpai and Nebuya-senpai's room. I hear something.

Is someone crying? I slowly knocked on the door to see Hayama-senpai crying. Woah. He quickly wipes his tears with a tissue. Oh, he was watching something in the tv. "You're watching drama?" I asked.

His sobs continues but it can no longer be heard because of Nebuya-senpai's snore. The big guy sure is tired. "I baked some cookies. You want some?" I offered and he got one. "Uhuhuhu!! I just hate it. Just when they know they liked each other! *sob* The movie didn't even let them have at least one date! *sob* Robert has to move out for college!" I handed him a tissue.

"There's still time for the two of them, senpai. What if the movie lets them meet after college! They can be together then." He just nodded. Even the senpais can act childish sometimes.

I went downstairs to go back to my room when I saw something move in the living room. Oh my. Is it Sadako? Chucky? Jason? Oh my God. OH MY GOD. I ran to the end to the stairs to turn on the lights with a broom in my hands. 'Okay Ai, are you ready to strike?' I asked myself. 'Sir, yes sir' I answered myself. 'Okay on 3'




*lights on*

I saw something red. Oh my it's Chucky. I walked a bit closer only to see the redhead sleeping on the sofa. *facepalm* I was scared for nothing.

I knelt down beside him. He actually looks cute when he's sleeping. Like a tamed lion. For a reason I didn't know myself, I brushed away some of his hair. *budump*

Tsk. You stupid redhead! Why do I become like this around you? Am I still angry at you for beating me? Yeah. That's got to be the reason. I have to keep on trying on defeating you for my sake.

I came back to reality when I realize he's moaning. 'Is he having a nightmare?' I noticed sweat beading on his temples. 'S-should I wake him?' I asked myself.

"Hey, Akashi" I shook him a bit. He's still not waking up. 'Should I say it a bit louder?' I wondered. I leaned a bit with my lips near his ear. "Seijuro" I whispered. Hoping that calling his first name would wake him up.

And I was too stupid to do that. =______= I woke him up and he hugged me. "H-hey! I'm sorry! You were having a n-nightmare so I tried waking you up." I said, thinking he might be mad and stab me with a scissor this time. You tried pushing him away only to make him hug you tighter.

"Sorry but would you say my name again?" he finally spoke up. *budump budump* Oh gosh. Would you knock it off, Ai? It's not the time to think about hating him. The person's having a hard time!

A/N: =____= I just cant't keep quiet! She still thinks that she hates Akashi dear! Our protagonist is pretty dense! But it's actually my fault.

"A-akashi?" I said. "My first name, baka" he even whispered it in my ears with deep and husky voice. It brought chills down my spine and my cheeks are heating up. "S-s-seijuro" I stuttered. "One more time" he whispered. "S-seijuro" I whispered once more. "Don't stutter. It's just me" he said. I gulped and buried I face in his chest feeling embarrassed. 'Why is he even doing this to me?!' I shouted inside my mind. "Seijuro" I finally said, without stuttering and I knew he heard me loud and clear. Finally, he let me go.

I felt like a really really heavy load was lifted off my shoulders. I looked at him and I never saw him like that. He buried his face in his palms like he's carrying such heavy weight. "Hey, you okay? Want to talk about it?" Don't misunderstand, okay? Even if he's a rival, an enemy, but I'm still kind! Rivals help each other.

"Sorry about that. You just sounded like my mom."

Hey, is it me or his eye color changed? He should have hetero-chromatic eyes, right? How come the colors are now the same!

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