We Play Tag For My Kiss

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These past few days I had this nagging feeling that something bad will happen. "Are you okay, Ai-chan? You've been spacing out lately" Hinami-chan asked. "Oh. I'm fine. I was just thinking" I replied "Hmmm. The person known for being a reckless genius tries to think, now this is not normal" Ryu teased. Sometimes, I feel really thankful for his cheerfulness but sometimes it's annoying.

"Okay, we have an announcement" Once again I was one of the class reps along with Sei. "The Cultural Festival is fast approaching. The school plans to make a joined celebration with Seika Academy. The festival would be this Friday and that would be 4 days from now" I told the class. "So preparations will start tomorrow but for now, we will plan what our class is going to do" Sei added.

Hinami-chan raised her hand. "How about a cafe?" she suggested and I wrote it on the board. "Any more suggestions?" Sei asked the class. Nomura-kun raised his hand "A haunted house would be nice" I flinched at his suggestion and with a heavy heart, I wrote it in the board. "Doing a play would be cool too" added another one.

So we made them vote which one they agree on. As a result, the cafe won. "So we would be doing a cafe. What type of cafe would it be?" I asked the classes and several hands were raised. "Maid and butler cafe!" said one. "Cosplay cafe!" and another one "Hey! How about a vampire cafe!"

Everyone reacted like it was a good idea "It sounds interesting! Why don't we try it?" one spoke and the others agreed. "Then, it is decided. We'll do a Vampire Cafe." I announced and they cheered. "So we need to assign someone with the costumes" Sei added. "I'll do it! Our company sells fashion after all" Hinami-chan said. "Then the  tablewares?" Sei asked and Ryu's hand shot in the air "That would be my job"

"The others will be decorating the classroom. And who's pretty good in cooking here?" Sei continues. I held my hand up and I was expecting more people to do the same. It seems I'm gonna plan the menu alone. "I'm pretty good at it. I'll help you" he whispered. I just smiled and nodded "Geez, stop flirting with each other, you stupid couple! You're totally visible right here" Ryu spoke and everyone else laughed so was I and Sei. But still, I had the nagging feeling.


"Ai" I came back to reality when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was in the kitchen with Sei, we were planning for the menu. "I spaced out, sorry" I said, while I continued chopping. "You've been spacing out lately. Something bothering you?" Sei asked, getting the knife from my hand. "Don't laugh at me. You might think I'm paranoid" I told him and he just nodded. "I think... I think something bad is going to happen" I said and Sei laughed. "I told you not to laugh!" I scolded. 

"I'm sorry. But you know Ai, you have to relax. Well, I have that feeling too but I know we'll get over it" Sei said and patted my head. Somehow, hearing his words made me feel like it really is gonna be okay.

"Anyway, I am thankful it didn't turn out to be a haunted house" I said, continuing our work. "I would enjoy it though" Sei said. "Geez! Don't you get tired of teasing me?" I pouted and he just laughed at me "Of course not. I love the fact that whenever you're scared, you look for me" Oh my god. I think I'm gonna squeal in front of him. What the heck did he just say? My heart skipped a beat. O_O

And because author-san is lazy, let's go to the actual day of the cultural festival

I was the only one left who still hasn't changed yet. I overslept because of too much planning last night. Sei just finished changing. I almost fainted, he looked like a real vampire. He was wearing tuxedo. His shirt underneath was red but was complimented by the red necktie, red vest and the black  tuxedo jacket. He looked at me and smiled enough for me to see his fangs. I wonder what it feels like to be bitten by those. Wait. What?!

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