Coming Home (Imagine by Nicole)

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"Why are you dragging me to this stupid baseball game?" You said to your friend.

"Because it's gonna be a good game! I thought you liked the Dodgers?" She asked.

You threw yourself back on your bed and started getting comfortable. "I do, but it's too hot for that crap. Just send me some pictures, k?"

She sighed and sat on the bed next to you. "You should get out. I'm tired of seeing you like this. You've been depressed for what, a year? Ever since Austin went to the Army? You don't really get out, it will be good for you to get your mind off of things for a while."

You ran your fingers through your hair and got up. "I suppose. Oh what the heck? Let's go."

You threw on your dodgers shirt and you both ran out the door.


"Great view, I can tell it's going to be a good game. I can feel it. " You said while looking around.

Your friend chuckled a bit. "Yep, very good."

"So whe-" You were cut off by the announcer.

"Hello everyone and welcome to today's Dodger game, where the Dodgers and the Yankees will be playing against each other." The man said. "I hope you guys enjoy the game, and don't forget to buy one of our famous Dodgers dogs!"


"Come on! Are you serious?" You yelled, after a player from the Dodgers got striked out. As the players were switching, the cam for the big screen went on a search.

After the camera landed on a couple of Dodger fans, your eyes landed on a pair of familiar hazel eyes and a familiar face.

"Austin?" You questioned.

He was wearing his Army uniform and was holding a sign that said, "I'm Home My Princess."

You jumped from your seat and started crying, running towards the field to where he was running also.

When you were near him, you jumped into his arms and he picked you up bridal style. He started to spin you while kissing you, and everyone started cheering.

"Austin! I missed you so much!." You started feeling his face. "I can't believe you're really here! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

He chuckled and kissed your nose. "I wanted it to be a suprise silly."

You started crying more into his shoulder.

"Why are you crying?" He said while wiping your tears away.

"I just missed you so much."

He flashed a smile. "I missed you too. You're the one who got me through it all."

"I love you Austin."

He embraced you in a strong hug. "I love you too. I'm here for good now, no more worries. I'll protect you now my angel."


I hope you liked it! I also really hope it wasn't as cliche as other stories. I try to be original as much as possible.

When I read fan-fics, I like to pretend i'm the main girl character, you know? That's why I made it like these things were happening to you. But anyways, thanks to everyone who has read this! Be sure to catch our other short imagines from here & don't forget to spread this book to other Mahomies you know that use Wattpad.


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