Forbidden Love (Imagine By Nicole)

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"Where the heck is that sound coming from?" You said to yourself in your room. "It sounds like a tapping noise."

You walked around your room and tried to find where the noise was coming from. As you went towards your window and peeked out, you saw Austin standing there, throwing candy at your window.

You opened your window and a candy hit your head. "Austin, what the heck? What are you thinking? We could get caught!"

"I don't care, listen (Y/N) I can't be away from you, it drives me insane." He threw the rest of the candy to the side. "Just because your parents are forbidding me to see you because of my bad reputation and they think I'll break your heart, doesn't mean I'll stay away and it doesn't mean I'll hurt you." He said as he was climbing up the side house.

When he finally got to the window, his shirt got stuck on the edge and he fell inside and landed on the floor with a thud.

"Don't laugh." He said while clutching his stomach in pain.

You couldn't hold it. You bursted out laughing.

"Oh my gosh, did that just happen? The slick, bad boy Mahone just fell on his face trying to be romantic."

He gave a glare and pulled you on the floor with him, taking you by surprise and making you fall on top of him.

"I must admit, I always thought I would be the one on top. He smirked. "But I like this way too." He winked.

"You're stupid." You said while punching his shoulder.

"But only for you baby." He said while kissing you, after that he paused for second. "What are you doing to me woman? You're turning me all mushy."

"I don't know, may-"

"(Y/N), are you okay in there? I heard some banging." Your dad asked through the door.

"It depends on what type of banging you mean?" Austin whispered into your ear.

You put one finger on your lips, gesturing for him to be quiet.

"I'm fine Dad! I just dropped something, it's all good."

"Okay, I was just checking. Good night then." He said. "Oh and (Y/N)?"

"Yeah dad?" You said.

He took a deep breath. "I'm sorry about keeping you from Austin, but it was for the best. He's a no good asshole who would of broken your heart anyways, I'm glad you finally realized that."

I could see in Austin's face that it took all the strength for him not to open that door and punch my dad in the face.

"Okay dad, good night."


You sighed, getting up and throwing your self on your bed.

"Wow." Austin said. "So your dad thinks you hate me? And thinks you actually broke up with me?"

"Yeah, I had to make him think that so he doesn't get suspicious."

He started kissing your neck. "Good idea babe." He mumbled into your neck.

You smacked the back of his head. "Stop Austin! Not right now." You giggled.

After that, there was a short silence.

"Babe?" He asked lightly.

"Yes Austin?"

"Run away with me." He stated.

"We've been through this Austin, I can't."

"Run away with me."


"Runaway with me."


"Runaway with me."

You sighed. "Yes."

Austin Mahone ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now