Homecoming (By Angelica)

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Next week is homecoming and you were planing on just going by yourself since no one has asked you yet. You're in class passing notes with your best friend Austin.

(A: Austin, Y: you)

A: Are you going to homecoming?

Y: Of course, I'm not going to miss it. It's our last homecoming ever.

A: True. Who are you going with?

Y: No one has asked me yet so I was just going to by myself. What about you?

A: I was kinda hoping you would want to go with me?:)

Y: Of course I would go with you:)


It's the day of homecoming and you're waiting for Austin to pick you up. Even though he has been your best friend since the 1st grade, you have a crush on him. So your hoping that maybe he likes you too and that he might ask you out.

You hear the doorbell and you know it's Austin. You get the door before your parents can so they don't start taking pictures and start to embarrass you, but your mom catches you before you can you leave.

"Mom we have to go." You tell her.

"Oh just one picture then you can leave." She says.

"Ok but just one, no more." You say.

She actually only took one and then you guys left.


At homecoming:

It's the last song and its a slow song so you and Austin decided to go dance.

"What are going to do when we graduate? I won't see you anymore." You say getting tears in your eyes.

"We will still be best friends and I promise we will find time to see each other." He says.

"But what if we can't?"

"(Y/N) can I tell you something?" He asks you.

"Of course Austin."

"Ok so I don't know how to really say this, but I have liked you. No. I have loved you ever since the day we met. I knew you were going to be someone very special in my life and I know that I don't want you out of my life ever. So I know this is like really random and I understand if you don't feel the same way and ill be fine with that and-"

You stopped him by kissing him and he kisses you back. When you both pull away, you tell him "I love you too Austin."

"Really? You're not messing with me right?" He asked still shocked.

"No Austin I'm not messing with you, this is real." You say smiling.

"So (y/n) will you do me the honor of being my beautiful girlfriend?"

"Of course." You tell him buying thightly.

"I love you."

"I love you too Austin."

And that was the best night of your life. Your crush of forever is finally your boyfriend and you can't wait to see what the future holds for you two.

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